10th class English Verbs
Choose the correct form of verb: All important and most repeated 10th class English Verbs are given below. 1. I ……… my meals at night….
Choose the correct form of verb: All important and most repeated 10th class English Verbs are given below. 1. I ……… my meals at night….
Chapter 13 MCQs 10th Class English Faithfulness: 1.Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Surrty b. Surety c. Shurty d. Surty 2) a. Appladed…
Chapter 12 MCQs 10th Class English Population Growth and World Food Supplies: 1.Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Efactive b. Efective c. Affactive…
Chapter 11 MCQs 10th Class English Great Expectations: 1. Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Cantury b. Sentury c. Cintury d. Century 2)…
Chapter 10 MCQs 10th Class English A World Without Books: 1.Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Demise b. Damise c. Dimise d. Deemise…
Chapter 9 MCQs 10th Class English Selection the Right Career: 1.Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Terands b. Trends c. Trandes d. Trands…
Chapter 8 MCQs 10th Class English Peace: 1.Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Raoring b. Rooring c. Roaring d. Roring 2) a. Meight…
Chapter 7 MCQS 10th Class English Little by Little One Walks Far! Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Kontest b. Contest c. Centest…
Chapter 6 MCQs 10th Class English Television Vs Newspaper: 1. Choose the word with correct spelling: 1) a. Enterest b. Interest c. Intirest d. Interast…
chapter 5 MCQS 10th Class English The Rain: 1. Choose the word with correct spelling. 1) a. Neice b. Noise c. Naise d. Noese 2)…
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