12th class (Fsc) Biology unit 13 MCQs
chapter 13 MCQs 12th Class Biology Man and His Environment: 1. What is our principal source of energy: a. Solar energyb. Nuclear energyc. Tidal energyd….
chapter 13 MCQs 12th Class Biology Man and His Environment: 1. What is our principal source of energy: a. Solar energyb. Nuclear energyc. Tidal energyd….
chapter 12 MCQs 12th Class Biology Some Major Ecosystem: 1. The soil or terrestrial ecosystem have some adaptations for animals and plants: a. Temperatureb. Supporting…
chapter 11 MCQs 12th Class Biology Ecosystem: 1. The study of the relationships of organisms to their environment is known is: a. Zoologyb. Biologyc. Mycologyd….
chapter 10 MCQs 12th Class Biology Evolution: 1. The smallest biological unit that can evolve over time is: a. A populationb. A particular cellc. A…
chapter 9 MCQs 12th Class Biology Biotechnology: 1. Which of these is incorrectly matched? a. DNA polymerase- PCRb. Protoplast plant cell engineeringc. DNA ligase mapping…
chapter 8 MCQs 12th Class Biology Variation and Genetics: 1. The position of gene one chromosome is called its: a. Locusb. Allelec. Genotyped. Phenotype 2….
chapter 7 MCQs 12th Class Biology Cell Cycle: 1. Never cells and eye lens cells remain in ……… stage for life time. a. Gob. G1c….
chapter 6 MCQs 12th Class Biology Chromosomes and DNA: 1. Chromosomal part which uncoils, during inter phase is called: a. Chromatidsb. Euchromatinc. Satellite DNAd. Heterochromatin…
chapter 5 MCQs 12th Class Biology Growth and Development: 1. Primary growth in plants is caused by: a. Intercalary meristemb. Apical meristemc. Rib meristemd. Lateral…
chapter 4 MCQs 12th Class Biology Reproduction: 1. Reproduction is very important for the survival of: a. Speciesb. Individualsc. Populationd. Both A & B 2….
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