Biology Chapter 10 Entry test MCQs
Topic 10
Shape and Size of Bacteria
1. Largest number of bacteria may be found in the arrangement called as:
a. Tetrad
b. Streptococci
c. Diplococci
d. Sarcina
2. Vibrio cholera belongs to which category?
a. Bacillus
b. Coccus
c. Spirochete
d. Diplococcus
3. Syphilis is caused by a:
a. Nostoc
b. Spirochete
c. Cyanobacteria
d. Water blooms
4. In which of the following shapes, gut living symbiont Escherichia coli is found?
a. Oval
b. Round
c. Rod
d. Spiral
5. Arrangement of coccus bacteria in chain is called:
a. Staphylococci
b. Streptococci
c. Sarcina
d. Tetrad
6. Rod-shaped bacteria are known as:
a. Cocci
b. Bacilli
c. Sarcina
d. Vibrio
7. When the division of cell is in two planes it will produce an arrangement having cocci:
a. 8
b. 2
c. 1
d. 4
8. Largest bacteria among followings:
a. Bacillus subtilis
b. Acanthurus nigrofuscus
c. Spirochaeta plicatilis
d. Epulopiscium fishelsoni
9. Bacteria that are pleomorphic:
a. Bacillus subtilis
b. Helicobacter pylori
c. Spirochaeta plicatilis
d. Epulopiscium fishelsoni
Bacterial Cell Structures (Cell Envelope)
10. Primary stain used in gram staining is:
a. Safranin
b. Crystal violet
c. lodine
d. Alcohol
11. Archaeobacteria lack in their structure/composition:
a. Plasma membrane
b. Cell wall
c. Peptidoglycan
d. Glycoprotein
12. Glycocalyx is made up of:
a. Lipoproteins
b. Lipopolysaccharides
c. Peptidoglycan
d. Polysaccharides
13. In Gram negative bacteria, the outer membrane is made up of:
a. Lipoproteins
b. Lipopolysaccharides
c. Peptidoglycan
d. Polysaccharides
14. All are the characteristics of Gram positive bacteria except:
a. Teichoic acid is present
b. High content of peptidoglycan
c. Stain pink with primary dyc
d. High permeability
15. Cell envelope of a bacterium does not include:
a. Slime
b. Capsule
c. Plasma membrane
d. Cell wall
16. Some bacteria are resistant to phagocytosis due to the presence of:
a. Flagella
b. Cell wall
c. Slime
d. Capsule
17. Peptidoglycan or murein is a special or distinctive feature of cell wall in:
a. Fungi
b. Algae
c. Plants
d. Bacteria
18. Cell wall structure of a cell of unknown origin was studied and was found to contain polysaccharide chain linked with short chains of amino acid. What do you think it can be?
a. Fungi Cell
b. Bacteria
c. Cortex cells
d. Algae
19. Find the characteristic true for Gram positive bacteria.
a. Less lipids than Gram-ve
b. Periplasmic space present in all
c. Outer membrane present
d. Two major layers
20. If lipopolysaccharides did not appear in the wall of bacteria on staining, then it will be known as—————-.
a. Gram positive & gram negative
b. Gram positive
c. Capsule
d. Gram negative
Bacterial Cell Structures (Cell membrane onwards)
21. Respiratory enzymes in bacteria are present in/at:
a. Nucleoid
b. Mesosomes
c. Cytoplasm
d. Cell wall
22. Dormant thick walled desiccation resistant body:
a. Exospore
b. Endospore
c. Cyst
d. Mesosomes
23. Member of Kingdom Monera devoid of cell wall is:
a. Mycoplasma
b. Actinomycets
c. Archaeobacteria
d. Eubacteria
24. Bacterial plasma membrane is not involved in:
a. DNA replication
b. Maintenance of cell shape
c. Respiratory metabolism
d. Cell Division
25. Bacterial membranes differ from eukaryotic membrane as they lack:
a. Phospholipid
b. Peptidoglycan
c. Cholesterol
d. Lipids