Biology Chapter 5 Entry test MCQs
Topic 5
Nervous System
1. Information received by different receptors of body is analyzed by:
a. Parasympathetic nervous system
b. Autonomic nervous system
c. Sympathetic nervous system
d. Central nervous system
2. Ectoderm mainly gives rise to:
a. Respiratory system
b. Musculo-skeletal system
c. Cardiovascular system
d. Nervous system
Steps Involved in Nervous Coordination
3. A motor nerve carries impulses from:
a. Effectors to CNS
b. Spinal nerves to effectors
c. CNS to effectors
d. Effectors to cranial nerves
4. Which of the following produce response?
a. Stimulators
b. Effectors
c. Brain
d. Nerve
Sensory Receptors and Their Working
5. Pressure is felt by your body immediately after it is applied. This is achieved with the help of:
a. Nociceptors
b. Mechanoreceptors
c. Chemoreceptor
d. Thermoreceptors
6. Stimulus of touch, pain, cold and heat are recognized differently because:
a. All nerves send their impulse to same part of brain
b. For each sensation, different form of nerve impulse is generated
c. Each stimulus acts on different parts of body
d. Different receptors are present for detection of stimuli
7. Pick out the pressure receptors:
a. Mechanoreceptors
b. Chemoreceptors
c. Thermoreceptors
d. Photoreceptors
8. Taste buds on the tongue are example of:
a. Photoreceptors
b. Thermoreceptors
c. Chemoreceptors
d. Pressure receptors
9. Which of following is associated with sense of touch?
a. Paccinian’s corpuscles
b. Mechanoreceptors
c. Merkel disks
d. Both B and C
Neurons (Structure and Types)
10. Non-neuronal cells encapsulating mainly axons of peripheral neurons are:
a. Astrocytes
b. Microglia
c. Schwann’s cell
d. Oligodendrocytes
11. Myelinated, single and long fiber that takes message towards the cell body is:
a. Dendrite
b. Dendron
c. Soma
d. Axon
12. The largest number of the cell bodies of neurons are found in:
a. Sensory organs
b. Brain
c. Effectors
d. Spinal cord
13. Which of the following is not correct about myelin sheath?
a. Conduct impulses
b. Composed of specialized lipids
c. Absent on nodes of Ranvier
d. Responsible for saltatory conduction
14. Myelin sheath:
a. Speeds up conduction
b. Is found in all axons
c. Is proteinaceous
d. Is found in all dendron
15. Which one of the following are also known as efferent neurons?
a. Motor
b. Sensory
c. Mixed
d. Associative
16. Regeneration is possible in all parts of neurons except:
a. Dendrites
b. Dendron
c. Cell body
d. Axon
17. It is not true about cell body of neuron:
a. Biosynthesis of materials
b. Main nutritional part
c. Regenerate axonal and dendrite fiber
d. It contains axoplasm
18. Which organelle cannot be found in synaptic knob of a neuron?
a. Secretory vesicles
b. Mitochondria
c. Nucleus
d. Ribosomes
19. Which of the following is most abundant type of neurons in CNS?
a. Motor neurons
b. Sensory neurons
c. Neuroglial cells
d. Associative neurons
20. Which one of the following gives a tree-like appearance to neurons?
a. Dendrites
b. Dendron
c. Axons
d. Soma
21. Which of the following is not a part of neuron?
a. Nissl’s granules
b. Axon
c. Synapse
d. Dendrons
22. …………… considered as chief structural and functional unit of nervous system.
a. Nephron
b. Cell
c. Brain
d. Neuron
23. Which one of the following is common to all neurons?
a. A thick myelin sheath
b. A cell body which contains a nucleus
c. Presence of Schwann cells
d. Presence of node of Ranvier
24. Neurons are cells adapted for the rapid transmission of electrical impulses. To do this they have long thin processes called:
a. Dendrites
b. Axons
c. Schwann cell
d. Myelin sheath
Reflexes and Reflex Arc
25. Which of the following is not a component of reflex arc?
a. Efferent nerve
b. Afferent nerve
c. Effectors
d. Brain