Biology Chapter 6 Entry test MCQs

Topic 6

Introduction and Characteristics Kingdom Animalia

a. Eukaryotes
b. Heterotroph
c. Multicellular
d. Organic synthesis

d. Organic synthesis

a. Locomotion by limbs
b. Motile
c. Heterotrophy
d. Aquatic lifestyle

c. Heterotrophy

Criteria for Animal Classification

a. Triploblastic
b. Diploblastic
c. Pseudocoelomate
d. Acoclomate

b. Diploblastic

a. Mesoderm
b. Germ layer
c. Endoderm
d. Ectoderm

a. Mesoderm

a. Blastocyst
b. Blastostyle
c. Mesoderm
d. Blastocoel

d. Blastocoel

a. Mesoderm
b. Ectoderm
c. Ectoderm and endoderm
d. Endoderm

a. Mesoderm

a. Placed in one phylum only
b. Lesser developed
c. Triploblastic
d. Lacking mesoderm

c. Triploblastic

a. Visceral Mesoderm
b. Coelomic Epithelium
c. Parietal Mesoderm
d. Ectoderm

a. Visceral Mesoderm

a. Parenchyma fill the body space
b. Sac type digestive system
c. Well-developed excretory system
d. Well-developed respiratory system

d. Well-developed respiratory system

a. Acoclomates and Pseudocoelomates
b. Acoelomates
c. Coelomates
d. Pseudocoelomates

b. Acoelomates

a. Molluscans
b. Platyhelminthes
c. Aschelminthes
d. Echinoderms

c. Aschelminthes

a. Pseudococlom
b. Coelom
c. Sponogocoel
d. Gastrocoel

b. Coelom

a. Lined by mesoderm
b. Found between body wall and gut
c. Bound internally by cuticle of intestine
d. Fluid filled

c. Bound internally by cuticle of intestine

a. Special transport system
b. Coelom
c. Coelomic fluid
d. Mesoderm

d. Mesoderm

a. Splanchnic mesoderm
b. Visceral mesoderm
c. Endoderm
d. Parietal mesoderm

b. Visceral mesoderm

Diversity Among Animals

a. Digestive system
b. Excretory system
c. Osmoregulatory system
d. Respiratory system

b. Excretory system

a. Cake urchin
b. Pinworm
c. Amphioxus
d. Star fish

b. Pinworm

a. Chordata
b. Echinodermata
c. Hemichordata
d. Mollusca

d. Mollusca

a. Radiata
b. Multigenecity
c. Bilateria
d. Polymorphism

a. Radiata

a. Mesodermal
b. Ectodermal
c. Peridermal
d. Endodermal

b. Ectodermal

Invertebrate Phyla

a. Hookworm
b. Spongilla
c. Planaria
d. Obelia

a. Hookworm

a. Annelids
b. Flatworm
c. Earthworm
d. Molluscs

b. Flatworm

a. Choanocytes
b. Pinacocytes
c. Amoebocytes
d. Flagellated cells

c. Amoebocytes

a. Echinodermata
b. Porifera
c. Hemichordate
d. Coelenterate

b. Porifera

a. Calcium carbonate
b. Carbonate of lime
c. Carbonate of lime & silicon
d. Silicon

c. Carbonate of lime & silicon

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