Biology Chapter 8 Entry test MCQs
Topic 8
Concepts of Evolution
1. Series of changes in the genetic composition of a population over time is called:
a. Evolution
b. Revolution
c. Succession
d. Population genetics
2. Product of evolution is:
a. Biome
b. Ecosystem
c. Species
d. Community
3. Who developed a theory of natural selection essentially identical to Darwin’s?
a. Alfred Wallace
b. Hardy-Weinberg
c. Lyell
d. Malthus
4. All of the following are related to evolution except:
a. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria
b. Change over time
c. Origin of new species
d. Muscle hypertrophy
5. Which one of the following statements is correct?
a. Ontogeny repeats phylogeny
b. There is no evidence of the existence of gills during embryogenesis of mammals
c. Stem cells are specialized cells
d. All plant and animal cells are totipotent
6. He was not vocal for the idea of evolution:
a. Linnaeus
b. Aristotle
c. Darwin
d. Lamarck
7. It is not true about evolution:
a. Evolution transforms life on earth
b. It is a slow and continuous process
c. Evolutionary relationships among organisms are reflected in their DNA
d. Evolution doesn’t leave observable signs
Evolution of Eukaryotes from Prokaryotes
8. This theory says that mitochondria and chloroplasts are in fact ancient bacteria which now live inside the larger cells.
a. Lamarckism
b. Darwin’s theory of evolution
c. Endosymbiont theory
d. Neo Darwinism
9. Life started about:
a. 3.5 billion years ago
b. 1.5 billion years ago
c. 4 billion years ago
d. 2.5 billion years ago
10. Adaptations that an organism acquires by its own actions are:
a. Can be made heritable through some modifications
b. Heritable
c. Both heritable and not heritable
d. Not heritable
11. Lamarck presented a mechanism to explain:
a. How life started
b. How earth formed
c. How life changed Evolution
d. How specific adaptations evolved
12. Which one is according to Lamarckism is true:
a. Adaptations-variation–inheritance
b. Variation-adaptations-inheritance
c. Mutations–variations→adaptations
d. Recombination-variation-adaptations
13. Which statement is contradictory to Lamarckism?
a. Disuse causes atrophy
b. Acquired characteristics can be passed to offspring
c. Acquired characteristics can’t be inherited
d. Extensive usage causes hypertrophy
14. Which of the following is not an example of disuse of organs?
a. Muscle atrophy
b. Snake’s feet
c. Movement of ear
d. Shedding of teeth
15. Which is not related to the idea of use and disuse:
a. Bigger bicep of black smith
b. Extensively used body parts become longer and strong
c. Different type of beaks present in finches
d. Disused body parts deteriorated
16. First ever theory which explained evolution as a process is:
a. Wallaceism
b. Darwinism
c. Lamarckism
d. Haeckelism
17. Unique fauna was observed by Darwin in:
a. Galapagos
b. Ecuador
c. Maldives
d. Bahamas
18. Darwin perceived origin of new species and———
a. Adaptation
b. Fixation
c. Maladaptation
d. Stabilization
19. What is the perception of Darwin about unity of life?
a. All organisms share a common biological composition
b. All organisms descent from a common ancestor
c. All organisms arise from nonliving things
d. All organisms are created specially by a divine force
20. Over production of individuals leads to the———–amongst the members of a population.
a. Competition
b. Harmony
c. Variations
d. All A, B, C
21. According to Darwin—————-become better adapted to local environment through natural selection.
a. Population
b. Regional community
c. Flora
d. Ecosystem
22. Survival is only for the fittest is true for:
a. Natural selection
b. Artificial selection
c. Revolution
d. Descent with modification
23. Survival in the struggle for existence depends upon:
a. Chemical constituents
b. Physical environment
c. Environmental resources
d. Hereditary constitution
24. How many types of finches were observed by Darwin at Galapagos Island?
a. 11
b. 12
c. 10
d. 14
25. Which one is related to natural selection?
a. Less people→more resources→no competition
b. More people→more resources→ no competition
c. Less people→less resources→no competition
d. More people→less resources→more competition