Biology Chapter 9 Entry test MCQs
Topic 9
Carnivorous Plants
1. All the insectivorous plants are:
a. Decomposers
b. Heterotrophic
c. Parasites
d. Autotrophic
2. End of leaf is modified to form a hood in:
a. Dionaea muscipula
b. Sarracenia purpurea
c. Drosera intermedia
d. All of A, B, C
3. Pick out the different:
a. Venous fly trap
b. Dodder
c. Pitcher plant
d. Sundew
Digestive System
4. In which of the following types of animals would you expect the digestive tract to be more complex:
a. Those with two opening
b. Those with single opening
c. Those without any opening
d. Those with multiple openings
5. How many sites of digestion are present in the digestive system of man?
a. 5
b. 3
c. 6
d. 4
Digestion in Oral Cavity
6. Cooking of the food and———– in the mouth significantly improve the digestibility of food stuff by the enzymes.
a. Churning
b. Mastication
c. Acidity
d. Peristalsis
7. The digestion of carbohydrates occurs briefly————and largely in the———— in respectively.
a. Esophagus, mouth
b. Mouth, intestine
c. Mouth, stomach
d. Stomach, intestine
8. On taking a spoonful of boiled rice and after partial digestion, which of the following biomolecule cannot be the part of bolus?
a. Amylose
b. Protein
c. Monosaccharide
d. Vitamins
9. Oral cavity is aided in selection of food by all of the following senses except:
a. Sound
b. Smell
c. Taste
d. Sight
10. Align the following events performed by oral cavity:
1) Digestion
2) Mastication
3) Lubrication
4) Selection
b. 1,3,4,2
c. 4,2,3,1
d. 4,2,1,3
11. Main function of NaHCO3 and other salts in buccal cavity is to:
a. Act as antiseptic agent
b. Perform chemical digestion
c. Act as promoter of Ptyalin
d. Stabilize the pH
12. All of the following are influenced by the movement of tongue except:
a. Epiglottis
b. Nasal opening
c. Peristalsis
d. Teeth cleansing
13. Peristalsis is the characteristic movement of———–.
a. Digestive tract
b. Respiratory tract
c. Urinary tract
d. Reproductive tract
14. Which of the following region in alimentary canal produces no enzyme?
a. Stomach
b. Oesophagus
c. Jejunum
d. Duodenum
15. Digestion of————starts in oral cavity due to the action of enzyme present in saliva.
a. Cellulose
b. Starch
c. Polypeptides
d. Fatty Acids
16. Food is diverted in the oesophagus by:
a. Tongue
b. Glottis
c. Epiglottis
d. Cheeks
17. Salivary amylase begins to digest starch to shorter polysaccharides and then to:
a. Glucose
b. Sucrose
c. Lactose
d. Maltose
18. Type of salivary glands found in human oral cavity:
a. 4
b. 3
c. 6
d. 2
Digestion in Stomach
19. Cardiac sphincter is present at the junction of stomach and:
a. Caecum
b. Esophagus
c. Heart
d. Duodenum
20. Which one is different from others?
a. Gastrin
b. Amylase
c. Insulin
d. Glucagon
21. More gastric juice is produced by gastric glands on the stimulation of a hormone:
a. Gastrin
b. Pepsinogen
c. Insulin
d. Secretin
22. The digestive enzyme which is absent in adults:
a. Amylase
b. Rennin
c. Enterokinase
d. Renin
23. Which of the following layer regulates the peristaltic movement along the digestive tract?
a. Outermost
b. Middle
c. Connective tissue layer
d. Innermost
24. Pepsin hydrolyzes protein to yield:
a. Peptones and polypeptide
b. Acylglycerols
c. Dipeptides
d. Amino acids
25. With undigestion of the following food components in humans reaches the stomach undigested?
a. Proteins, Cellulose and Fats
b. Starch, Proteins and Fats
c. Proteins, Starch and Cellulose
d. Vitamins, Carbohydrates and Polypeptides