Biology Chapter 9 Entry test MCQs
151. Transport of minerals from soil to epidermal cells of roots via carrier protein molecules along their concentration gradient is called:
a. Passive transport
b. Diffusion
c. Active transport
d. Facilitated diffusion
Water Potential
152. The water potential of pure water is:
a. Infinity
b. Zero
c. Negative
d. One
153. To attain maximum turgidity of a cell, it must be placed in:
a. Glucose solution
b. Normal saline
c. Away from sunlight
d. Distilled water
154. In a———-solution, solute and pressure potentials are equal to water potential.
a. Hypertonic
b. Hyperplasmonic
c. Hypotonic
d. Isotonic
Uptake of Water by Roots
155. Apoplast pathway can take water and minerals up to:
a. Endodermis
b. Xylem
c. Pericycle
d. Cortex
156. The membrane of vacuoles is known as:
a. Cristae
b. Cisternae
c. Protoplast
d. Tonoplast
157. The pathway adopted by water in plants through adjacent cell walls is:
a. Vacuolar pathway
b. Apoplast pathway
c. Tonoplast pathway
d. Symplast pathway
158. In plants, the neighboring cells are connected with one another by:
a. Vacuoles
b. Plasmodesmata
c. Casparian strips
d. Cell walls
159. In the root cells————pathway becomes discontinuous in the endodermis due to the presence of casparian strips.
a. Symplast
b. Tonoplast
c. Vacuolar
d. Apoplast
160. Water and minerals move down their concentration gradient through plasmodesmata, to cells of cortex, endodermis, pericycle and then to sap in the xylem cells. This is also known as the:
a. Mineral absorption pathway
b. Symplast pathway
c. Apoplast pathway
d. Vacuolar pathway
161. In roots the apoplast pathway of water is disrupted when water reaches:
a. Endodermis
b. Plasmodesmata
c. Pith
d. Cortex
Ascent of Sap
162. Hydrogen bonding between water molecules produces:
a. Tension
b. Cohesion
c. Attraction
d. Adhesion
163. Four plints are present in different environmental conditions Platonis present in Four Pelimate with continuous rainfall, plant B is present in a cool forest, plant Ch present in warm climate with little breeze while plant D is present in warm climate high wind speed. Which one of the above plants will have highest rate of transpiration?
a. Plant D
b. Plant B
c. Plant A
d. Plant C
Translocation of Organic Solutes
164.Translocation of sucrose is between:
a. Source to sink
b. Sink to source
c. Source to source
d. Sink to sink
165. Widely accepted theory that explains transport of organic solutes in plants is supported by:
a. Imbibition
b. Pressure flow theory
c. Ascent of sap
d. Diffusion
166. Loading of sucrose from companion cells to sieve tube cell is:
a. Passive transport
b. Diffusion
c. Facilitated diffusion
d. Active transport
167. About 55% of the volume of human blood is:
a. Plasma
b. Blood cells
c. Blood Protein
d. A and B
168. All of the following protect the body against entrance of germs except:
b. Tears
c. Ciliated cells
d. Mucus membrane E. RBCs
169. The type of blood cells that have biconcave dise like shape are:
a. Monocytes
b. Lymphocytes
c. Red blood cells
d. Platelets
170. The cells which play very important role in developing immunity are:
a. Neutrophils
b. Monocytes
c. Thrombocytes
d. Lymphocytes
171. Antibodies are manufactured in:
a. Red blood cells
b. T lymphocytes
c. B lymphocytes
d. Platelets
172. The average life span of red blood cell is about:
a. Two months
b. Four months
c. One month
d. Five months
Structure of Human Heart
173. Chordae tendinae are extension of:
a. Auricles
b. Heart
c. Sinus venosus
d. Ventricles
174. Which one has the thickest walls than the others?
a. Right ventric
b. Right atria
c. Left ventricle
d. Left atria
175. The nature of valves in the heart is:
a. Tendinous
b. Membranous
c. Ligamentous
d. Muscular