Biology Chapter 9 Entry test MCQs
176. Oxygenated blood is supplied to all body parts from:
a. Right ventricle
b. Right atrium
c. Left ventricle
d. Left atrium
177. Mitral valve prevents the flow of blood from:
a. Right atrium to left atrium
b. Right atrium to right ventricles
c. Left ventricles to left atrium
d. Left atrium to left ventricles
178. First artery that arises from the base of aorta:
a. Renal artery
b. Pulmonary artery
c. Iliac arteries
d. Coronary artery
179. At start of ventricular contraction:
a. Bi and tricuspid valves are opened and semilunar valves are closed
b. Bi and tricuspid valves are opened
c. Bi and tricuspid valves are closed and semilunar valves are opened
d. Semilunar valves are closed
180. Which valve allows blood to pass from heart to pulmonary artery?
a. Left Semi lunar valve
b. Right Semi lunar valve
c. Right AV valve
d. Left AV valve
181. Myocardium of heart shows————characters.
a. Striated and involuntary
b. Smooth and involuntary
c. Striated and voluntary
d. Smooth and voluntary
182. In humans, only———–systemic arch is present.
a. Right
b. Left
c. Inferior
d. Superior
183. The heart muscle is nourished by:
a. Coronary artery
b. Chambers of the heart
c. Left atrium
d. Right atrium
184. Which one is continuation of iliac artery?
a. Hepatic Artery
b. Renal Artery
c. Intercostal Arteries
d. Femoral Artery
185. Which vein has oxygenated blood?
a. Subclavian vein
b. Renal vein
c. Jugular vein
d. Pulmonary vein
186. In man, blood from alimentary canal to liver is transported by:
a. Pulmonary vein
b. Hepatic portal vein
c. Renal vein
d. Hepatic vein
187. The oxygenated blood from lungs to heart is transported by the:
a. Coronary artery
b. Pulmonary artery
c. Hepatic artery
d. Pulmonary vein
188. Right atrium is separated from right ventricle by:
a. Semilunar Valve
b. Bicuspid Valve
c. Interatrial Septum
d. Tricuspid Valve
189. The flaps of tricuspid valves are attached to muscular extensions of right ventricle known as:
a. Papillary Muscles
b. Smooth Muscles
c. Skeletal Muscles
d. Intercostal Muscles
190. In human the closed sac which surrounds the heart is:
a. Myocardium
b. Endocardium
c. Epicardium
d. Pericardium
191. Chordae tendincae are the fibrous cords attached with:
a. Tricuspid valve of heart
b. Cardiac end of stomach valve
c. Eyelid
d. Pyloric sphincter of stomach
192. Bicuspid valve controls the flow of blood from:
a. Right ventricle to pulmonary artery
b. Right atrium to right ventricle
c. Left atrium to left ventricle
d. Left ventricle to aorta
193. The thickest chamber of human heart is:
a. Left ventricle
b. Left atrium
c. Right ventricle
d. Right atrium
194. Purkinje fibers are connected with the impulse conducting system of:
a. Skin
b. Heart
c. Nephron
d. Brain
195. Regarding structure of human heart chordae tendinae are present in:
a. Pulmonary valve
b. Atria
c. Ventricle
d. Renal
196.The valves controlling the one-way flow of blood from atria to ventricles are:
a. Bicuspid and tricuspid valves
b. Semilunar valves
c. Septum
d. Sinoatrial valve
197. In human heart the left atrium receives:
a. The inferior vena cava
b. The superior vena cava
c. The four pulmonary veins
d. The coronary sinus
The Cardiac Cycle
198. The most appropriate statement for atrial systole is:
a. AV valves open and semilunar valves close
b. A.V valves close
c. A.V valves close and semilunar valves open
d. A.V valves open
199. At the end of ventricle contraction:
a. A.V valves open
b. Semilunar valves open
c. A.V valves open and semilunar valves close
d. Both A.V and semilunar valves close
200. Lubb sound is produced when:
a. A.V valves close
b. A.V valves open
c. Semilunar valve open
d. Semilunar valve close