11th class Biology Unit 1 MCQs
Chapter 1 MCQs 11th Class Biology
1. The study of internal structure is:
a. Histology
b. Morphology
c. Physiology
d. Anatomy
2. Embryology is the study of:
a. Development
b. Fossils
c. Internal gross structure
d. Tissues
3. The study of microorganism includes bacteria, virus, protozoan and microscopic algae and fungi is:
a. Molecular biology
b. Microbiology
c. Biotechnology
d. Parasitology
4. The study of parasite is called:
a. Microbiology
b. Paleontology
c. Parasitology
d. Histology
5. The branch of Biology which deals with the study the study of social behavior and communal life of human being is:
a. Social biology
b. Human biology
c. Environmental biology
d. Molecular biology
6. The microscopic study of tissues is called:
a. Bacteriology
b. Histology
c. Virology
d. Microbiology
7. Study of functions of different parts of an organism:
a. Anatomy
b. Morphology
c. Ecology
d. Physiology
8. The branch of Biology which deals with the structure of organism, the cells their organelles at molecular level is:
a. Physiology
b. Molecular Biology
c. Histology
d. Marine Biology
9. Histology is the study of:
a. Tissues
b. Cell
c. Fossile
d. Functions
10. Biology is short of laws because of:
a. Large population of human
b. Exclusive nature of life
c. Less Tentation
d. Less falsification
11. A condition of high blood pressure is known as:
a. Hypertension
b. Hypotension
c. Arteriosclerosis
d. Haemorrage
12. The branch of Biology which deals with the study of environmental relations of organisms is called:
a. Evolution
b. Morphology
c. Phosphorus
d. Ecology
13. Study of tissue is called:
a. Histology
b. Morphology
c. Microbiology
d. Anatomy
14. The microscopic study of tissues of called:
a. Bacteriology
b. Histology
c. Virology
d. Microbiology
15. The study of fossils and their relationship to the evolution of life on earth is?
a. Palaeobotany
b. Fossilization
c. Paleozoology
d. Paleontology
16. The literal meanings of biology are the:
a. Study of life
b. Scientific study of life
c. Critical
d. Science of life
17. Environment Biology or ecology is the study of organisms in relation to their:
a. Environment
b. Surrounding
c. Locality
d. Neighbourhood
18. The study of social behavior and communal life of human being is called:
a. Human biology
b. Communal biology
c. Social biology
d. Behavioural biology
19. The study of distribution of organisms in nature is called.
a. Ecology
b. Wilde life
c. Zoogeography
d. Geography
20. The branch of biology and chemical parameters of the waterbodies is called:
a. Water biology
b. Marine biology
c. Aquatic biology
d. Fresh water biology
21. The branch of biology that deals with naming and classification is called:
a. Ecology
b. Taxonomy
c. Anatomy
d. Zoogeography
22. Which one of these is Micro Molecule?
a. O2
b. H 2O
c. Starch
d. CO2
23. The percentage of calcium in human body is:
a. 3%
b. 1%
c. 4%
d. 2%
24. Which one is a trace element?
a. Zinc
b. Calcium
c. Phosphorus
d. Chlorine
25. Living substance of living things is called:
a. DNA
b. Cytoplasm
c. Protoplasm
d. Cell
26. The percentage of hydrogen present in human body is:
a. 10%
b. 20%
c. 5%
d. 15%
27. The bio element which accounts 18% of total mass in human body is:
a. Hydrogen
b. Oxygen
c. Nitrogen
d. Carbon
28. In humans, 99% of body mass is made up of:
a. 25 bio-elements
b. 16 bio-elements
c. 92 bio-elements
d. 6 bio-elements
29. A biome is a large regional community primarily determined by:
a. Climate
b. Species
c. Water
d. Weather
30. In human body amount of carbon (C) is:
a. 18%
b. 65%
c. 3%
d. 10%
31. A community together with its non-living surrounding is:
a. Ecosystem
b. Community
c. Biosphere
d. Population
32. In human body amount of oxygen is:
a. 70%
b. 50%
c. 40%
d. 65%
33. Muscle tissue is specialized for:
a. Secretion
b. Contraction
c. Excretion
d. Conduction
34. The amount of Na by weight in the human body is:
a. 0.15%
b. 0.35%
c. 0.05%
d. 0.25%
35. The percentage of potassium in the human body is:
a. 0.35%
b. 0.15%
c. 0.25%
d. 0.05%
36. One of the following is a macromolecule:
a. Cellulose
b. Starch
c. glucose
d. Protein
37. The unit of life is called:
a. Tissue
b. Organ
c. Organelle
d. Cell
38. Population of different species living in the same Habitat form a:
a. Ecosystem
b. Biome
c. Community
d. Biosphere
39. Which of the following is not an attribute of population?
a. Gene flow
b. Population density
c. Gene structure
d. Gene frequency
40. A group of living organisms of the same species located in the same place at the same time as:
a. Community
b. Biosphere
c. Population
d. Biome
41. Use of living organisms, system or processes in manufacturing and service industries is studied by branch called:
a. Biotechnology
b. Social Biology
c. Marine biology
d. Human biology
42. A group of similar cells that perform similar function is:
a. Tissue
b. Organ
c. System
d. Organelles
43. The lowest percentage of bio-elements in man among the following is of:
a. Manganese
b. Chlorine
c. Iron
d. Sulphur
44. In human body, amount of phosphorous is:
a. 18%
b. 1%
c. 22%
d. 2%
45. A large regional community primarily determined by climate is called as:
a. Population
b. Biome
c. Community
d. Biosphere
46. The muscle of stomach is of which type?
a. Cardiac
b. Skeletal
c. Smooth
d. All above
47. The number and verity of species in a place is called:
a. Biodiversity
b. Population
c. Parasitology
d. Community
48. The study of distribution of animals in nature is called:
a. Geography
b. Zoogeography
c. Wild life
d. Biodiversity
49. A structure normally composed of several tissue types that form a functional until is called as:
a. Organ
b. Organ system
c. Tissue
d. Organelle
50. The arrangement of animals and plants into groups and subgroups on the basis of similarities is:
a. Organization
b. Gradation
c. Grouping
d. Classification
51. Chemical elements used in forming the chemical compounds from which living organisms are made are called:
a. Macro elements
b. Bio elements
c. Trace elements
d. Microelements
52. It has become clear that functions of the cell are accomplished by the specialized structures called:
a. Organelles
b. Cells
c. Tissues
d. Systems
53. A connective & supporting tissue in animals is:
a. Nerve
b. connective
c. Bone
d. Muscle
54. The number and variety of species in a place is called:
a. Biodiversity
b. Population
c. Diversity
d. Community
55. All living and nonliving matter are formed of simple units called:
a. Molecules
b. Elements
c. Compounds
d. Atoms
56. The groups of similar cells are organized into loose sheets or bundles performing similar functions are called:
a. Organelles
b. Tissues
c. Systems
d. Organs
57. Glandular tissue is specialized for:
a. Secretion
b. Contraction
c. Excretion
d. Conduction
58. Phloem tissue is specialized for translocation of:
a. Protein
b. Sugar
c. Fat
d. Both a & b
59. Different tissues having related function assemble together in a structure called:
a. Organelles
b. Tissue
c. Systems
d. Organs
60. Out of the 92 naturally occurring chemical elements, the number of commonly used elements in forming the chemical compounds is:
a. 14
b. 10
c. 16
d. 12
61. The bio-elements which account for 99% of the total mass in the human body are:
a. Six
b. Two
c. Eight
d. Four
62. Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorous and sulphur are the most common atoms found in:
a. Soil
b. Biological molecules
c. Water
d. Periodic table
63. The molecules with large molecular weight are said to be:
a. Triomolecules
b. Macromolecules
c. macromolecules
d. None
64. Sugar, proteins etc., are examples of
a. Triomolecules
b. Macromolecules
c. Micromolecules
d. None
65. Oxygen, carbon dioxide and water are examples of:
a. Triomolecules
b. Micromolecules
c. Macromolecules
d. None
66. In bacteria and protists the entire organism consists of:
a. Single cell
b. Two cells
c. Many cells
d. Three cells
67. It has become clear that functions of the cells are accomplished by the specialised structures called:
a. Systems
b. Tissue
c. Organelles
d. Organs
68. Xylem tissue is specialized for conducting:
a. Water
b. Food
c. Both a & b
d. None
69. Population of different species (plants and animals) living in a habitat in specific time form a:`
a. Community
b. Colony
c. City
d. Town
70. Which one of the following is a correct sequence in biological methods?
a. Hypothesis –Observation –Deduction –Testing of deduction
b. Observation-Hypothesis-Law- Theory.
c. Law – Theory– Deduction –Observations.
d. Observations-Hypothesis-Deduction –Testing of deduction
71. The number of species identified so far is:
a. 2.5 million
b. 10 million
c. 1.5 million
d. 5 million
72. The branch of Biology which deals with the study of ancestral history of living organisms is called as:
a. Evolution
b. Paleontology
c. Heredity
d. Zoogeography
73. Mammals became dominant in:
a. Paleozoic
b. Mesozoic period
c. Jurasic period
d. Cenozoic period
74. Fungi, algae, protozoans and various prokaryotes are:
a. 9.4%
b. 17.6%
c. 9.1%
d. 19.9%
75. The number of the species of insects is:
a. 19.9%
b. 53.1%
c. 9.4%
d. 17.6%
76. The reasoning from the general to specific is:
a. Scientific
b. Deductive
c. Theoretical
d. Inductive
77. The most recent ear is:
a. Cenozoic
b. Proterozoic
c. Mesozoic
d. Paleozoic
78. Cretaceous, Jurrasic and Triassic are Periods of Era:
a. Mesozoic
b. Proterozoic
c. Cenozoic
d. Paleozoic
79. The tentative explanation of observation is called as:
a. Hypothesis
b. Law
c. Deduction
d. Theory
80. The reasoning that moves from general to specific is:
a. Scientific
b. Deductive
c. Theoretical
d. Inductive
81. The number of species of organisms, currently known to science, is:
a. 2,000,000
b. 1,000,000
c. 2,500,000
d. 1,500,000
82. The reasoning from the specific to the general is called:
a. Hypothetical
b. Inductive
c. Suggestive
d. Deductive
83. If a theory survives skeptical approach and continues to be supported by experimental evidences, it becomes a:
a. Scientific project
b. Scientific mission
c. Scientific story
d. Scientific law
84. Various careful estimates put the total number of species between:
a. 15 & 30millions
b. 10&20millions
c. 5 & 20millions
d. 5 & 30millions
85. An observer organizes observations into data form and gives a statement is the experience and background knowledge of the event. This statement is the:
a. Supposition
b. Hypothesis
c. Theory
d. Suggestion
86. A statement made from a hypothesis which has been tested by many experiments is called:
a. Theory
b. Law
c. Presumption
d. Deduction
87. Fungi, algae protozoa and various other prokaryotes are:
a. 17.6%
b. 7.4%
c. 9.4%
d. 19.6%
88. Which one of the following is employed in treatment of cancer?
a. Chemotherapy and Antibodies.
b. Antibiotics and vaccination.
c. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy
d. All of the above
89. Which one of the following is not a viral disease?
a. Tetanus
b. Cowpox
c. Small pox
d Mumps
90. Which one of the following is not related to cloning?
a. The individuals resulting have similar genetic makeup.
b. Replacement of the nucleus of zygote, by another nucleus of the same organism
c. Removal of piece of DNA or gene from the cell, and incorporating another gene or piece of DNA in its place.
d. Separation of cells of embryo to form more embryos.
91. A technique that consists of insolating the normal gene and inserting it into the host through bone marrow is:
a. Gene therapy
b. Radiotherapy
c. Cloning
d. Chemotherapy
92. Genetically Engineered vaccine is not available for:
a. HCV
b. HAV
c. HDV
d. HBV
93. Pasteurization is widely used for preservation of:
a. Milk products
b. Food product
c. Meat
d. Meat products
94. Scientist who first developed the technique of vaccination in 1995:
a. Robert Koch
b. Louis Pasteur
c. Robert Brown
d. Edward Jenner
95. The technique used to preserve milk and milk products is called:
a. Lactation
b. Pasteurization
c. Vaccination
d. All these
96. Radiotherapy is used for:
a. Hepatitis
b. Cancer
c. Malaria
97. Defective genes can be repaired by:
a. Radiotherapy
b. Chemotherapy
c. Physiotherapy
d. Gene therapy
98. In 1997, scientists in Scotland succeeded in clothing a:
a. Goat
b. Sheep
c. Cow
d. Horse
99. The technology used for achieving eugenic aim:
a. Chemotherapy
b. Gene therapy
c. Cloning
d. Radiotherapy
100. The HIV virus causes:
b. Tuberculosis
c. Hepatitis
d. Cancer
101. In human gene therapy, the normal genes are inserted in to the host through:
a. Bone cells
b. Blood cells
c. Muscle
d. Bone marrow cells
102. An aphid that attacks Walnut tree is being controlled biological by:
a. Honey bee
b. Wasp
c. Mosquito
d. House fly
103. The first ever clone was prepared in 1977 in:
a. Scotland
b. England
c. Maryland
d. Ireland
104. Important vector n modern genetic engineering is:
a. Ribosome
b. Nucleoid
c. Plasmid
d. Mesosome
105. Degradation of environmental pollutants by living organism is:
a. Biopesticides
b. Biogeography
c. Bioremediation
d. None
106. The study of hereditary characters transmitted from the parents to the offspring is called:
a. Genetics
b. Genetic engineering
c. Heredity
d. Biotechnology
107. In ………, the cancerous part is exposed to short wave radiations from the radioactive material repeatedly at regular intervals.
a. Physiotherapy
b. Chemotherapy
c. Radiotherapy
d. Gene therapy
108. Pasteurization developed by Louis Pasteur is being widely used for preservation of:
a. Meat
b. Milk
c. Milk products
d. Both b & c
109. Many diseases such as polio, whooping cough, measles, mumps etc. can be easily controlled by:
a. shorts
b. Vaccination
c. Both a & b
d. None
110. Cowpox pus is known as:
a. Parapox
b. Vacca
c. Puspox
d. Vaga
111. Defective gene is changed by the normal gene in:
a. Radiotherapy
b. Chemotherapy
c. Physiotherapy
d. Gene therapy
112. In 1997 scientists in Scotland succeeded in cloning a:
a. Sheep
b. Horse
c. Cow
d. Goat
113. The AIDs stands for:
a. Acquired immuno Deficiency syndrome
b. Acquired immunity declared syndrome
c. Acquired immuno differences syndrome
d. Acquired immuno developed syndrome
114. The AIDS is caused by virus:
a. AID
b. VIH
c. HIV
d. MIV
115. The technique of vaccination was first developed in 1795 by:
a. Robert Koch
b. Edward Jenner
c. Abdul Salam
d. Louis Pasteur
116. Administrating certain anticancer chemicals to the patients at regular intervals is called:
a. Gene therapy
b. Radiotherapy
c. Physio-therapy
d. Chemotherapy
117. A technology for achieving eugenic aims is:
a. Replication
b. Copying
c. Duplication
d. Cloning
118. In cities, particularly the exhaust from auto mobiles is enormously adding —- into atmosphere.
a. Lead
b. Chromium
c. Cyanide
d. Nitrogen
119. Heavy metals like lead from automobiles, chromium from tanneries are playing havoc to human:
a. Vigour
b. Health
c. Wellbeing
d. Fitness
120. The example of heavy metal is:
a. Iron
b. Carbon
c. Lead
d. Magnesium
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