11th class Computer unit 1 MCQs
126. The lowest resolution for color graphics display is:
a. XGA
b. CAD
c. VGA
127. XGA supports the resolution up to:
a. 800×600
b. 640×480
c. 1024×768
d. 640×400
128. Pixel is short for:
a. Picture enters
b. Page edit
c. Picture elements
d. Place edit
129. A pixel might be displayed as:
a. Blue
b. Black
c. White
d. All
130. XGA supports colors up to:
a. 1billion
b. 16.7 million
c. 1 million
d. 16.7 billion
131. A printer is needed to:
a. Create PDF files
b. Create hardcopy of document
c. Create word files
d. Create softcopy of the document
132. The quality of printers is measured in ………
a. Lines per second(LPS)
b. Character per second(cps)
c. Pages per minute(ppm)
d. Dots per inch(dpi)
133. Which of the following is not a type of printer?
a. Impact
b. Laser
c. Flatbed
d. Inkjet
134. The cheapest form of printer available for PC is:
a. Inkjet
b. Dot-Matrix
c. Thermal
d. Laser
135. Which of the following is a non-impact printer?
a. Dot-Matrix printer
b. Line printer
c. Daisy wheel printer
d. Inkjet printer
136. Which printer should be used on mainframes for high-volume report printing?
a. Dot-Matrix printer
b. Line printer
c. Active Matrix printer
d. Daisy wheel printer
137. Which type of printer operates most like a photocopy machine?
a. Dot-Matrix printer
b. Line printer
c. Laser printer
d. Ink-jet printer
138. Which printer is characterized by melting wax-based ink into ordinary paper?
a. Laser
b. Dot-Matrix
c. Thermal
d. Inkjet
139. OMR stands for:
a. Optical Mark radiation
b. Optical Mark Reader
c. Optimum Mark Reader
d. Optical Map Reader
140. LCD stands for:
a. Layered crystal display
b. Liquid crystal display
c. Long crystal display
d. Linear crystal display
141. CRT stands for:
a. Chemical Rays Tube
b. Coated Rays Tube
c. Gray Ray Tube
d. Cathode Rays Tube
142. A disadvantage of the laser printer is that :
a. Its output is of a lower quality
b. It is quieter than impact printer
c. It is very slow
d. None
143. VGA is:
a. Volatile graphics array
b. Video graphics array
c. Video graphics adapter
d. Visual graphics array
144. Multiple choice examination answer sheet can be evaluated automatically using:
a. Magnetic Stripe
b. OMR
d. OCR
145. The ways of entering data in computer and presenting information generated by the system are called:
a. Storage/retrieva
b. Processing
c. Data generation
d. Input/output
146. Smallest unit of memory is:
a. Character
b. Byte
c. Word
d. Bit
147. A kilobyte is exactly:
a. 256 bytes
b. 1024 bytes
c. 1 byte
d. 100 bytes
148. 1 GB is equal to:
a. 2 30 B
b. 2 10 B
c. 2 40 B
d. 2 20 B
149. Which of the following is the largest data unit?
a. Kilobyte
b. Gigabyte
c. Terabyte
d. Megabyte
150. Which of the following is the largest data unit?
a. Kilobyte
b. Gigabyte
c. Terabyte
d. Megabyte