9th class English unit 1 MCQs
chapter 1 MCQs 9th Class English
The Saviour of Mankind:
1) Choose the word with correct spelling:
1) a. Wership
b. Warshep
c. Wershep
d. Worship
2) a. Restrian
b. Ristrain
c. Ristrian
d. Restrain
3) a. Caerless
b. Careless
c. Kareless
d. Careles
4) a. Seviour
b. Saiviour
c. Savier
d. Savior
5) a. Travellers
b. Travelerrs
c. Trawelrs
d. Trawelers
6) a. Preching
b. Preaching
c. Praching
d. Preeching
7) a. Civilization
b. Civilizatione
c. Ciavilization
d. Civialization
8) a. Messege
b. Masage
c. Mesege
d. Message
9) a. Balieve
b. Balieves
c. Beleivs
d. Believes
10) a. Varge
b. Verg
c. Verge
d. Veragw
11) a. Chaose
b. Chaos
c. Choes
d. Choas
12) a. Devene
b. Divine
c. Davine
d. Devine
13) a. Bilefe
b. Beliefe
c. Beleef
d. Belief
14) a. Eloquant
b. Aloquent
c. Elaquant
d. Eloquent
15) a. Pagun
b. Pagan
c. Pygan
d. Pegan
16) a. Donues
b. Duones
c. Dinus
d. Dunes
17) a. Naxus
b. Nexus
c. Nixus
d. Neksus
18) a. Meditation
b. Miditasion
c. Mediatione
d. Meditasicn
19) a. Imbodiment
b. Embodement
c. Embomente
d. Embodiment
20) a. Thaology
b. Theology
c. Thealogy
d. Thelogy
21) a. Historian
b. Historean
c. Hestorian
d. Historrian
22) a. Influential
b. Influantial
c. Influentiel
d. Influintial
23) a. Cromble
b. Crumble
c. Crimble
d. Cramble
24) a. Eloquince
b. Eloquance
c. Eloquence
d. Eloquense
25) a. Dzazling
b. Dazzling
c. Dazling
d. Dazzinig
26) a. Compassion
b. Compation
c. Compasion
d. Compashen
27) a. Compitetion
b. Competition
c. Competision
d. Competision
28) a. Domenunc
b. Dominancce
c. Dominance
d. Domenence
29) a. Eradicate
b. Eredicate
c. Eradecate
d. Eridicate
30) a. Eradicate
b. Iradicate
c. Eradecate
d. Eradeecate
31) a. Pruclaim
b. Proclaim
c. Procliam
d. Proclaime
32) a. Invesion
b. Invasion
c. Inveson
d. Envasion
2 ) Choose the correct meaning of Highlight word:
1. In the fifth and sixth centuries, mankind stood on the verge of chaos.
a. Solitude
b. Betterment
c. Dilemma
d. Confusion
2. The word meditation means:
a. Deep Thought
b. Sound Sleep
c. Slumber
d. Dozing
3. The eloquence and memory found expression in the poetry.
a. Healthy
b. Weak
c. Fluency
d. Strong
4. Dunes means:
a. Declare
b. Sandy Hills
c. Destroy
d. Remove
5. I shall not abandon the true faith.
a. Give up
b. Hate
c. Like
d. Strong
6. The Arabs possessed a remarkable memory.
a. Impressive
b. Dangerous
c. Famous
d. Boring
7. Proclaim means.
a. Declare
b. Request
c. Forbid
d. Response
8. The word eradicate means
a. Destroy
b. Demolish
c. Rebuild
d. Remove
9. Verge means:
a. Ease
b. Hard
c. Edge
d. Rare
10. Arabia is a land of unparalleled charm and beauty.
a. Unimpressive
b. Unmatched
c. Unimportant
d. Unexception
12. The word pagan means:
a. Clear
b. Honesty
c. Disbeliever
d. Hard
13. I ……… give you to ride my bike if you like.
a. Will give
b. Gave
c. Has given
d. Gives
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