11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 10 MCQs
26. Colonial coelenterates such corals produce hard exoskeleton formed of:
a. NaOH
b. NaCO3
c. CaOH
d. CaCO3
27. Which of the following is a motile coelenterate?
a. Jelly fish
b. Hydra
c. Corals
d. Obelia colony
28. Portuges man of war is the name used for:
a. Hydra
b. Physalia
c. Physalia
d. Obelia
29. Vertebrates that develop embryonic membranes around their embryo are called:
a. Amniotes
b. Anamniotes
c. Both
d. None of these
30. In animals the bodies of which can be divided in two equal halves only in one plane are:
a. Radially symmetrical
b. Asymmetrical
c. None of these
d. Bilaterally symmetrical
31. The vertebrates in which placenta is formed during the development of fetus are:
a. Mammalia
b. Pisces
c. Aves
d. None of these
32. In amphibians the necessary requirements to spend their life history are:
a. Land
b. Water
c. Both
d. None of these
33. Trypanosoma causes the diseases:
a. Sickness
b. Malaria
c. Sleeping
d. None of these
34. In annelids the organs for excretion are:
a. Kidneys
b. Nephridia
c. Flame-cells
d. None of these
35. In arthropoda the body cavity is:
a. Haemocoel
b. Pseudo coeloms
c. Enterocoel
d. None of these
36. In Mollusca the foot is used for:
a. Capturing prey
b. Locomotion
c. Both
d. None of these
37. Hepatitis and cholera are spread by:
a. Tse-Tse fly
b. Trypanosome
c. House fly
d. Fleas
38. Shark liver oil is source of:
a. Vitamin A & D
b. Antibiotics
c. Vitamin B & C
d. Food
39. Which is not related to other?
a. Crow
b. Kiwi
c. Pigeon
d. Eagle
40. Which one of the following is included in tunicate?
a. Balanoglossus
b. Amphioxus
c. Saccoglossus
d. Molgula
41. The largest invertebrate animal is:
a. Snodonta
b. Octopus
c. Oyster
d. Giant squid
42. Which is not included in proterostomia?
a. Annelida
b. Arthropod
c. Enchinodermata
d. Mollusca
43. In protostomes, the blastopore forms the:
a. Excretory pore
b. Anus
c. Mouth
d. Brain
44. Mammals have evolved reptilian ancestor:
a. Crocodile
b. Archeopteryx
c. Tuatra
d. Cotylosaurs
45. Pseudocoelom is present in:
a. Round worms
b. Cnidarian
c. Earth worms
d. Flat worms
46. The body cavity of Nametoda is:
a. Haemocoelom
b. Blastocoel
c. Coelom
d. Pseudocoelom
47. Enterobius vermicular is called:
a. Bookworms
b. Shipworms
c. Pinworms
d. Hookworms
48. The example of placental mammal is:
a. Echidna
b. Dolphin
c. Opossum
d. Kangroo
49. In Mollusca, a blue colored respiratory pigment is:
a. Haemocyanin
b. Hemoglobin
c. Prothrombin
d. Hemoerythin
50. The number of round worms in a single rotting apple is:
a. 95000
b. 85000
c. 90000
d. 8000