10th class English Unit 11 MCQs

Chapter 11 MCQs 10th Class English

Great Expectations:

1. Choose the word with correct spelling:

1) a. Cantury
b. Sentury
c. Cintury
d. Century

d. Century

2) a. Sucessful
b. Sucassful
c. Sucesfull
d. Successful

d. Successful

3) a. Stranger
b. Strengar
c. Strenger
d. Strangir

a. Stranger

4) a. Isruncen
b. Inrances
c. Insurance
d. Surancein

c. Insurance

5) a. Recatpure
b. Capreture
c. Recapture
d. Captreure

c. Recapture

6) a. Presoner
b. Prasoner
c. Prisonor
d. Prisoner

d. Prisoner

7) a. Actuelly
b. Actualy
c. Actually
d. Actuely

c. Actually

8) a. Prision
b. Prison
c. Preson
d. Perison

b. Prison

9) a. Traile
b. Trail
c. Treil
d. Trael

b. Trail

10) a. Suport
b. Soport
c. Sopourt
d. Support

d. Support

11) a. Orphin
b. Orphan
c. Orphon
d. Orphen

b. Orphan

12) a. Recpture
b. Raptreture
c. Recapture
d. Raptreure

c. Recapture

13) a. Convikt
b. Convict
c. Cunwict
d. Conwict

b. Convict

14) a. Chellange
b. Challenge
c. Challinge
d. Chellenge

b. Challenge

15) a. Aiducation
b. Education
c. Edukation
d. Educaton

b. Education

16) a. Famous
b. Femous
c. Famase
d. Famouse

a. Famous

17) a. Kednas
b. Kadniss
c. Cindness
d. Kindness

d. Kindness

18) a. Money
b. Monay
c. Menoy
d. Manay

a. Money

19) a. Ledon
b. Lendone
c. Lendon
d. London

d. London

20) a. Reicive
b. Reacive
c. Receive
d. Recave

c. Receive

21) a. Regularly
b. Ragulalry
c. Ragulerly
d. Regullery

a. Regularly

22) a. Lattle
b. Little
c. Litle
d. Lettle

b. Little

23) a. Strect
b. Strict
c. Streact
d. Stract

b. Strict

24) a. Loved
b. Lovad
c. Leved
d. Laved

a. Loved

25) a. Studied
b. Stipide
c. Stadied
d. Stipied

a. Studied

2. Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:

a. Team
b. Prisoners
c. Messenger
d. Delegation

b. Prisoners

a. Desert
b. Innocent
c. Honest
d. Offender

d. Offender

a. Joe
b. Prisoner
c. Insurance agent.
d. Pip

d. Pip

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