10th class English Unit 11 MCQs
Chapter 11 MCQs 10th Class English
Great Expectations:
1. Choose the word with correct spelling:
1) a. Cantury
b. Sentury
c. Cintury
d. Century
2) a. Sucessful
b. Sucassful
c. Sucesfull
d. Successful
3) a. Stranger
b. Strengar
c. Strenger
d. Strangir
4) a. Isruncen
b. Inrances
c. Insurance
d. Surancein
5) a. Recatpure
b. Capreture
c. Recapture
d. Captreure
6) a. Presoner
b. Prasoner
c. Prisonor
d. Prisoner
7) a. Actuelly
b. Actualy
c. Actually
d. Actuely
8) a. Prision
b. Prison
c. Preson
d. Perison
9) a. Traile
b. Trail
c. Treil
d. Trael
10) a. Suport
b. Soport
c. Sopourt
d. Support
11) a. Orphin
b. Orphan
c. Orphon
d. Orphen
12) a. Recpture
b. Raptreture
c. Recapture
d. Raptreure
13) a. Convikt
b. Convict
c. Cunwict
d. Conwict
14) a. Chellange
b. Challenge
c. Challinge
d. Chellenge
15) a. Aiducation
b. Education
c. Edukation
d. Educaton
16) a. Famous
b. Femous
c. Famase
d. Famouse
17) a. Kednas
b. Kadniss
c. Cindness
d. Kindness
18) a. Money
b. Monay
c. Menoy
d. Manay
19) a. Ledon
b. Lendone
c. Lendon
d. London
20) a. Reicive
b. Reacive
c. Receive
d. Recave
21) a. Regularly
b. Ragulalry
c. Ragulerly
d. Regullery
22) a. Lattle
b. Little
c. Litle
d. Lettle
23) a. Strect
b. Strict
c. Streact
d. Stract
24) a. Loved
b. Lovad
c. Leved
d. Laved
25) a. Studied
b. Stipide
c. Stadied
d. Stipied
2. Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:
1. The man had been sent with other convicts to Australia ; the underlined word means.
a. Team
b. Prisoners
c. Messenger
d. Delegation
2. The synonym of “Culprit” is.
a. Desert
b. Innocent
c. Honest
d. Offender
3. The main character is called ………
a. Joe
b. Prisoner
c. Insurance agent.
d. Pip
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