11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 12 MCQs
51. If bile pigments are accumulated in blood, condition is known as:
a. Pyrosis
b. Gall stone
c. Heart pang
d. Jaundice
52. The intestinal caecae are present in the digestive system of:
a. Cockroach
b. Amoeba
c. Planaria
d. Hydra
53. Emulsification is the function of:
a. Amylase
b. Bile
c. Protease
d. Lipase
54. Carbohydrate digesting enzyme is:
a. Pepsin
b. Ptylin
c. Lipase
d. Gastrin
55. Gall stones are formed in the gall bladder due to the precipitation of:
a. Sterols
b. Glycerol
c. Salts
d. Cholesterol
56. The length of Duodenum of human is about:
a. 30-35 cm
b. 15-20 cm
c. 10-15 cm
d. 20-25 cm
57. Constipation is caused by the excessive absorption of:
a. Blood
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. Food
58. In man most of the digestion take place in:
a. Large intestine
b. Stomach
c. Mouth
d. Small intestine
59. Bacteria which produce vitamin K are present in :
a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Duodenum
d. Large intestine
60. Excessive gastric secretion is an important factor for:
a. Food poisoning
b. Obesity
c. Peptic ulcer
d. Piles
61. One of the following plays a slight antiseptics role in the oral cavity:
a. Sodium bicarbonate
b. Water
c. Amylase
d. Mucus
62. Sublingual glands are located below the:
a. Tongue
b. Jaws
c. All above
d. Ear
63. Elimination of undigested matter by an animal is called:
a. Absorption
b. Ingestion
c. Digestion
d. Excretion
64. Utilization of products of digestion for production of energy or synthesis of cellular material is:
a. Assimilation
b. Absorption
c. Egestion
d. Digestion
65. The first part of small intestine is called:
a. Jejunum
b. Rectum
c. Duodenum
d. Ilium
66. The middle part of the small intestine of man is called:
a. Ileum
b. Jejunum
c. Colon
d. Duodenum
67. Tentacles is a characteristic of:
a. Amoeba
b. Hydra
c. Euglena
d. Snail
68. Sites of digestion in the digestive system of man are:
a. 03
b. 01
c. 04
d. 02
69. Carbohydrate digesting enzymes are called:
a. Protease
b. Ligase
c. Lipase
d. Amylase
70. Which of the following secrete pepsinogen?
a. Oxyntic cells
b. Mucus cells
c. Zymogen cells
d. Parietal cells
71. Incomplete or imperfect digestion is called:
a. Dyspepsia
b. Food poisoning
c. Uleer
d. Obesity
72. Pepsin is secreted by:
a. Parietal cells
b. Mucous cells
c. Oxyntic cells
d. Zymogen cells
73. Enzyme which converts di peptides into amino acids is named as:
a. Pepsin
b. Erypsin
c. Trypsin
d. Amino peptidase
74. Which type of cells in human stomach secrete gastrin:
a. Zymogen cells
b. Mucous cells
c. Endocrine cells
d. Parietal cells
75. Ammonia, a waste product of amino acid metabolism, is converted to urea in:
a. Villi
b. Kidney
c. Pancreas
d. Liver