10th class English Unit 13 MCQs
Chapter 13 MCQs 10th Class English
1.Choose the word with correct spelling:
1) a. Surrty
b. Surety
c. Shurty
d. Surty
2) a. Appladed
b. Aplauded
c. Appleuded
d. Applauded
3) a. Sturedy
b. Sturdy
c. Stardy
d. Stirdy
4) a. Astonished
b. Astonishd
c. Astonised
d. Astanised
5) a. Address
b. Adress
c. Addruss
d. Addres
6) a. Atempt
b. Attempt
c. Ettempt
d. Attemmpt
7) a. Criminall
b. Crimenal
c. Crimminal
d. Criminal
8) a. Sentenced
b. Sentanced
c. Sentinced
d. Suntenced
9) a. Chevalary
b. Chivlary
c. Chivalry
d. Chivairy
10) a. Companion
b. Compenion
c. Komponion
d. Compennion
11) a. Leaar
b. Laiear
c. Leear
d. Liar
12) a. Paralell
b. Paralel
c. Peralel
d. Parallel
13) a. Diognose
b. Diagnose
c. Deignose
d. Deagnose
14) a. Amas
b. Amaz
c. Amaze
d. Amase
15) a. Prision
b. Prison
c. Preson
d. Perison
16) a. Mentite
b. Minut
c. Minute
d. Minote
17) a. Haring
b. Hearing
c. Haaring
d. Hering
18) a. Stane
b. Stnoe
c. Stene
d. Stone
19) a. Nopped
b. Niped
c. Nepped
d. Nipped
20) a. Biloved
b. Belaved
c. Bolived
d. Beloved
21) a. Seeing
b. Seaing
c. Sening
d. Saaing
22) a. Mardurer
b. Murderer
c. Morderer
d. Marderer
23) a. Harlad
b. Hurlad
c. Hurled
d. Hurlled
24) a. Acuont
b. Acount
c. Account
d. Akount
25) a. Remained
b. Ramained
c. Remenied
d. Remened
Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:
1. Which word means “to Identify the nature of a problem, especially an illness”?
a. Symptom
b. Infection
c. Disease
d. Diagnose
2. The antonym of “suffering” is.
a. Anguish
b. Distress
c. Annoyed
d. Pleasure
3. The antonym of “consume” is
a. Use
b. Utilize
c. Safety
d. Save
4. The synonym of “solace” is.
a. Comfort
b. Aggravation
c. Happy
d. Frustration
5. The synonym of “Culprit” is
a. Desert
b. Innocent
c. Honest
d. Offender
6. The synonym of “Current” is.
a. Out dated
b. Dated
c. Up to date
d. Old
7. Maintaining a sound and productive environment all over is essential. The underlined word means:
a. Needless
b. Unnecessary
c. Unwanted
d. Crucial
8. The man had been sent with other convicts to Australia. The underlined word means:
a. Prisoners
b. Delegation
c. Groups
d. Troupe
9. The antonym of “Suffering” is:
a. Anguish
b. Distress
c. Annoyed
d. Pleasure
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