12th class (Fsc) computer unit 13 MCQs
chapter 13 MCQs 12th Class computer
Functions in “C”:
1. The statement that activates a function is known as:
a. Function prototype
b. Function output
c. Function call
d. Function definition
2. The statement that activates a function is known as:
a. Invoking a function
b. Function call
c. Function output
d. None
3. Function definition can be written:
a. In a separate file
b. Before main() function
c. After main( )function
d. All of these
4. Printf() is a:
a. Local function
b. Built-in function
c. Keyword
d. User-defined function
5. A built-in function:
a. Cannot return a value
b. Cannot be redefined
c. Should be redefined
d. Can be redefined
6. Another name of built-in function is:
a. Arithmetic function
b. Library function
c. All of these
d. User-defined function
7. A type of function written by the programmer is known as:
a. Sub routines
b. User-defined
c. Built-in function
d. Sub programs
8. The first line of user-defined function is:
a. Prototype
b. Arguments
c. Calling
d. Header
9. The parameters in function declaration are called:
a. Returned
b. Actual parameters
c. Call parameters
d. Formal parameters
10. Function prototypes for built-in functions are specified in:
a. object files
b. source files
c. image files
d. header files
11. The parameters in function declaration are called:
a. Formal parameters
b. Actual parameters
c. Both A & B
d. None
12. Which of the following is type of function available in C language?
a. User-defined
b. Built-in
c. Subprogram
d. Both A & B
13. A type of function that is available as part of language is known as:
a. User-defined function
b. Library function
c. Sub-program
d. Both A & B
14. Function prototypes for built-in functions are specified in:
a. Object files
b. Source files
c. Image files
d. Header files
15. In a C program, two functions can have:
a. Same name and same parameter
b. Same name
c. Same name but different parameters
d. Same parameters
16. Multiple arguments passed to a function are separated by:
a. Comma
b. Period
c. Semicolon
d. Colon
17. In C-Language, the first line of function definition is known as:
a. Arguments
b. Function header
c. Parameters
d. Function body
18. A function that does not return any thing has return type:
a. Void
b. Nothing
c. Null
d. Float
19. Which statement is used by a function to return a value?
a. Return
b. Give
c. Call
d. Send
20. Function declaration is also known as function ………
a. Prototype
b. Definition
c. Parameters
d. Header
21. A function can return ……… value.
a. 3
b. 1
c. 4
d. 2
22. The function definition consists of:
a. Function header or function declaration
b. Function body
c. Both A & B
d. None
23. Which provides information about the function to the compiler?
a. Arguments
b. Function header
c. Parameters
d. Function body
24. A value that can be sent to a function is known as:
a. Argument
b. User-defined function
c. Function
d. None
25. Function declaration consists of:
a. Number and types of parameters
b. Function name
c. Function return type
d. All of these