11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 14 MCQs
Chapter 14 MCQs 11th Class Biology
1. Which of the following is true about mammals?
a. They have left and right aortic arches
b. They have right aortic arch only
c. They do not have aortic arch
d. They have left aortic arch only
2. Which of the following processes cause substances to move across membranes without the expenditure of cellular energy?
a. Diffusion
b. Endocytosis
c. None of the above
d. Active transport
3. Which of the following is NOT true of guard cells?
a. They contain chloroplasts
b. They are present in the epidermis of leaf
c. They are kidney shaped
d. They are connected with plasmodesmata with other epidermal cells
4. The casparian strips are present in:
a. Cells of pericycle
b. Cortex cells of roots
c. Cells of phloem
d. Endodermis cells of roots
5. Casparian strips are present in the cells of roots:
a. Cortex
b. Endodermis
c. Pith
d. Epidermis
6. Cytoplasmic strands that extend through pores in adjacent cell wall are:
a. Plasmofilament
b. Plasmodesmata
c. Plasmostrand
d. Plasmofibre
7. Active transport is selective and is dependent on:
a. Digestion
b. Nutrition
c. Circulation
d. Respiration
8. Pathway of water consisting of interconnected protoplasts in root cells is called:
a. Protoplast
b. Apoplast
c. Tonoplast
d. Symplast
9. Shrinkage of protoplast due to exosmosis of water is called:
a. Imbibition
b. Plasmolysis
c. Bleeding
d. Guttation
10. Change in water potential of a system due to the presence of solute molecules is called:
a. Matric potential
b. Pressure potential
c. Gravitational potential
d. Solute potential
11. Water potential of pure water is:
a. Zero
b. +10
c. -10
d. +5
12. The roots of prosopis tree many penetrate deep in the soil upto:
a. 50 m
b. 5m
c. 70 m
d. 25 m
13. The movement of water molecules from a region of their higher concentration to a region of their low concentration through a semipermeable membrane is called:
a. Root pressure
b. Osmosis
c. Guttation
d. Diffusion
14. The pathway involving system of adjacent cell walls which is continuous throughout the plant roots:
a. Symplast
b. Casparian strip
c. Plasmodesmata
d. Apoplast
15. In hydra ectodermal cells get food from endothermal cells by:
a. Active transport
b. Osmosis
c. Facilitated diffusion
d. Diffusion
16. Roots bear a dense cluster of tiny hair like structures which are extensions of:
a. Endodermal cells
b. Epidermal cells
c. Cortical cells
d. Pericycle cells
17. Prosopis tree of leguminoseae family have maximum depth of their roots:
a. 70 meters
b. 50 meters
c. 80 meters
d. 60 meters
18. The shrinkage of protoplast of a cell:
a. Guttation
b. Deplasmolysis
c. Plasmolysis
d. Incipient plasmolysis
19. Hydathodes are associated with:
a. Conduction
b. Transpiration
c. Guttation
d. None of the above
20. Bleeding phenomenon is not shown by:
a. Stylets
b. Strawberry
c. Guard cells
d. Sugar maple
21. The phenomenon associated with root pressure is:
a. Guttation
b. Imbibition
c. Tension
d. Cohesion
22. The upward movement of sap through the xylem is:
a. Deplasmolysis
b. Ascent of sap
c. Guttation
d. Plasmolysis
23. The loss of water through hydathodes in leaves is called:
a. Guttation
b. Transpiration
c. Imbibition
d. Bleeding
24. Loss of liquid water through water secreting glands is called:
a. Imbibition
b. Guttation
c. Translocation
d. Transpiration
25. Cohesion tension theory was proposed by:
a. Sacks
b. Dixon
c. Van Mohl
d. Robert Brown