11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 14 MCQs
51. All have open blood circulatory system except:
a. Insects
b. Octopus
c. Calms
d. Snail
52. In cockroach, the heart is:
a. Five chambered
b. Four chambered
c. Thirteen chambered
d. Three chambered
53. Single circuit heart is present in:
a. Reptiles
b. Fishes
c. Mammals
d. Amphibians
54.Which of the following vertebrates possess single circuit heart:
a. Mammals
b. Reptiles
c. Fishes
d. Birds
55. The left systemic arch disappears in:
a. Reptiles
b. mphibians
c. Fishes
d. Birds
56. The open circulatory system is present in:
a. Rana tigrina
b. Periplaneta
c. Amphioxus
d. Pheretima
57. Cardiac muscle can be distinguished from other muscle fibers because cardiac muscle.
a. Lacks regular arrangement of sarcomeres
b. Contain only actin
c. Has intercalated discs
d. Voluntary in action
58. Histamine is produced by:
a. Basophils
b. Neutrophils
c. Monocytes
d. Eosinophils
59. The concentration of plasma in the blood is:
a. 55%
b. 45%
c. 60%
d. 50%
60. Liver receives blood from digestive system through:
a. Iliac vein
b. Portal vein
c. Hepatic portal vein
d. Hepatic vein
61. Which of the following artery supplies blood to heart muscles:
a. Systemic
b. Pulmonary
c. Coronary
d. None of these
62. The exchange of food material takes place through:
a. Artery
b. Capillary
c. Heart
d. Vein
63. The plasma proteins constitute percent by weight of plasma:
a. 11-13%
b. 7-9%
c. 13-15%
d. 9-11%
64. Which one is not involved in clotting of blood?
a. Basophils
b. Platelets
c. Eosinophils
d. Erythrocytes
65. Normal pH of human blood is:
a. 6.4
b. 4.4
c. 7.4
d. 5.4
66. __ is an example of Agranulocytes:
a. Neutrophils
b. Eosinophils
c. Monocytes
d. Basophils
67. White blood cells are grouped into two main types, granulocytes and Agranulocytes. Which one of the following is not among granulocytes:
a. Basophils
b. Neutrophils
c. Monocyte
d. Eosinophils
68. Which of the following is not true about histamine?
a. Causes dilation of blood capillaries
b. Produced by basophils
c. Released by Eosinophils
d. Cause inflammation
69. Platelets are fragments of large cells called:
a. Megakaryocytes
b. Microkaryocytes
c. Leucocytes
d. Erythrocytes
70. One cubic millimeter of human male blood contain RBC:
a. 6-6.5 millions
b. 4-4.5 millions
c. 3-3.5 millions
d. 5-5.5 millions
71. The most abundant compound in blood plasma is:
a. Water
b. NaCl
c. Globulin
d. Albumin
72. The weight of the blood in our body is about plasma is:
a. 1/12th
b. 1/6th
c. 1/20th
d. 1/5th
73. Platelets are not cells, but are fragments of large cells called:
a. Megakaryotes
b. Microkaryotes
c. Karyokinesis
d. Karyocytes
74. A substance that inhibits blood clotting is:
a. Fibrin
b. Heparin
c. Thrombin
d. Fibrinogen
75. Which is found in herestitial fluid?
a. Red blood cells
b. Large proteins
c. Platelets
d. White blood cells