10th class Physics unit 2 MCQs
chapter 2 MCQs 10th Class Physics
1. Which is an example of longitudinal wave?
a. Radio wave
b. Sound wave
c. Water wave
d. Light wave
2. How does sound travel from its source to your ear?
a. By electromagnetic wave
b. By changes in air pressure
c. By infrared waves
d. By vibrations in wires or strings
3. Sound is a type of ……… energy:
a. Thermal
b. Electrical
c. Chemical
d. Mechanical
4. The series of compressions and rarefactions of a mwave is called:
a. Focal length
b. Frequency
c. Wave length
d. Time period
5. Sound is a type of energy:
a. Thermal
b. Electrical
c. Chemical
d. Mechanical
6. The frequency of tuning fork depends upon:
a. Force
b. Length
c. Amplitude
d. Mass
7. Sound waves are the example of ……… waves:
a. Electromagnetic waves
b. Transverse waves
c. Longitudinal waves
d. None
8. Sound is produced due to ……… of the body:
a. Vibrations
b. Collisions
c. Random motion
d. Motion
9. Sound travels in the form of:
a. Air
b. Waves
c. Energy
d. None
10. The instrument used to hear the vibrations of the body organs such as heart beat is called:
a. Endoscope
b. Stethoscope
c. Telescope
d. Microscope
11. The nature of sound waves is:
a. Electromagnetic
b. Longitudinal
c. Transverse
d. All
12. The loudness of sound mostly depends upon:
a. Wavelength
b. Frequency
c. Amplitude
d. Period
13. The characteristic of sound due to which we can distinguish between two sounds of same loudness
and pitch:
a. Loudness
b. Intensity
c. Pitch
d. Quality
14. Intensity level of siren of train is:
a. 100 dB
b. 150 dB
c. 120 dB
d. 130 dB
15. SI unit of intensity of sound is:
a. Wms-1
b. Wm-1
c. Wm2
d. Wm-2
16. The intensity level of whisper is:
a. 40 dB
b. 10 dB
c. 70 dB
d. 30 dB
17. The sound level of rustling of leaves is:
a. 30 dB
b. 10 dB
c. 40 dB
d. 20 dB
18. 1 bel is equal to:
a. 90 dB
b. 40 dB
c. 10 dB
d. 20 dB
19. ……… is the characteristics of the sound by which loud and faint sounds can be distinguished:
a. Quality
b. Intensity
c. Loudness
d. Pitch
20. Larger the amplitude of the vibrating body ……… will be the loudness of the sound:
a. Normal
b. Greater
c. Medium
d. Smaller
21. Smaller the amplitude of the vibrating body ……… will be the loudness of the sound:
a. Normal
b. Greater
c. Medium
d. Smaller
22. Larger the area of the vibrating body ……… will be the loudness of the sound:
a. Normal
b. Greater
c. Medium
d. Smaller
23. Smaller the area of the vibrating body ……… will be the loudness of the sound:
a. Normal
b. Greater
c. Medium
d. Smaller
24. If we increase the distance from the vibrating body, loudness ………:
a. Remains same
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. None
25. If we decrease the distance from the vibrating body, loudness ………:
a. Remains same
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. None
26. The characteristics of sound due to which we can distinguish between a grave and shrill sound is:
a. Loudness
b. Quality
c. Intensity
d. Pitch
27. The frequency of the sound used to call dogs lies between:
a. 15,000Hz – 20,000Hz
b. 10,000Hz – 15,000Hz
c. 20,000Hz – 25,000Hz
d. 18,000Hz – 20,000Hz
28. The loudness of the sound depends upon:
a. Loudness
b. Amplitude
c. Temperature
d. Frequency
29. The frequency of ladies and children is ……… than men:
a. Smaller
b. Low
c. Higher
d. None
30. The intensity of sound depends upon:
a. Loudness
b. Amplitude
c. Temperature
d. Frequency
31. The loudness of sound is directly proportional to the:
a. Logarithm of intensity
b. Pitch
c. Frequency
d. Amplitude
32. The intensity of faintest sound is:
a. 10-12Wm-2
b. 10-10Wm-2
c. 10-6Wm-2
d. 10-9Wm-2
33. The sense of sound remains in our brain is:
a. 0.02s
b. 0.01s
c. 0.2s
d. 0.1s
34. The minimum distance to hear a clear echo is about:
a. 20 m
b. 17 m
c. 10 m
d. 34 m
35. To hear a clear echo the time interval between our sound and the reflected sound must be at least:
a. 0.02s
b. 0.01s
c. 0.2s
d. 0.1s
36. A blue whale’s loudest sound recorded is:
a. 200dB
b. 180dB
c. 300dB
d. 190dB
37. Elephant use ……… sound waves to communicate with one another:
a. Normal frequency
b. Low frequency
c. High frequency
d. All
38. Echo is caused by ……… of sound:
a. Diffraction
b. Refraction
c. Reflection
d. None
39. When the frequency of sound wave is increased, which of the following will decrease?
a. Wavelength and period
b. Wavelength
c. Wavelength and amplitude
d. Amplitude
40. If the speed of sound is 340ms-1 and wavelength is 0.5 m then the frequency will be:
a. 170Hz
b. 340Hz
c. 680Hz
d. 0.5Hz
41. The formula to find the speed of sound is:
a. v = f/ λ
b. v = f λ
c. f = v/λ
d. f = vλ
42. The speed of sound in distilled water at 25o will be:
a. 1498
b. 7478
c. 1508
d. 7488
43. The speed of sound in air is:
a. 1266kmh-1
b. 1264kmh-1
c. 1267kmh-1
d. 1265kmh-1
44. The speed of sound in wood at 25oC will be:
a. 2000ms-1
b. 972ms-1
c. 3980ms-1
d. 1290ms-1
45. The speed of sound in air at 0o C will be:
a. 231ms-1
b. 376ms-1
c. 331ms-1
d. 386ms-1
46. The speed of sound is greater in:
a. Gas
b. Solid
c. Liquid
d. None of the above
47. The speed of sound at room temperature is:
a. 340ms-1
b. 320ms-1
c. 350ms-1
d. 330ms-1
48. The speed of sound in liquids is ……… that in gases:
a. 15 times
b. 5 times
c. 20 times
d. 10 times
49. The speed of sound in solids is ……… than in gases:
a. 15 times
b. 5 times
c. 20 times
d. 10 times
50. The speed of sound in air at one atmosphere of pressure and room temperature (210C):
a. 345ms-1
b. 340ms-1
c. 350ms-1
d. 343ms-1
51. The speed of sound depends upon:
a. Volume
b. Temperature
c. Area
d. Density
52. As we increase the temperature, the speed of sound:
a. Remains constant
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. None
53. As we decrease the temperature, the speed of sound:
a. Remains constant
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. None
54. The speed of sound in air was first accurately measured in:
a. 1758
b. 1768
c. 1748
d. 1738
55. The speed of sound waves in water is ……… times faster than gases:
a. 15 times
b. 5 times
c. 20 times
d. 10 times
56. The sounds which have pleasant effect on our ears are called:
a. Temporary sounds
b. Musical sounds
c. Permanent sounds
d. Noise
57. The sounds which have jarring effect on our ears are called:
a. Temporary sounds
b. Musical sounds
c. Permanent sounds
d. Noise
58. A safe level of sound depends upon ……… factors:
a. Four
b. Two
c. Five
d. Three
59. A safe level of sound depends upon:
a. Period of exposure to the noise
b. Level of noise
c. Both
d. None
60. The level of noise recommended in most countries is usually:
a. 80 – 85dB
b. 80 – 90dB
c. 90 – 100dB
d. 85 – 90dB
61. The health problems caused by noise pollution are:
a. Hypertension
b. Hearing loss
c. Aggression
d. All
62 . The reflection of sound is more prominent from a
……… surface:
a. Porous
b. Rough
c. Smooth
d. None
63. For a normal person, audible frequency range for sound wave is:
a. 25Hz – 25kHz
b. 10Hz – 10kHz
c. 30Hz – 30kHz
d. 20Hz – 20kHz
64. Bats can hear frequencies up to:
a. 150,000Hz
b. 100,000Hz
c. 135,000Hz
d. 120,000Hz
65. Mice can hear frequencies up to:
a. 150,000Hz
b. 100,000Hz
c. 135,000Hz
d. 120,000Hz
66. Dogs can hear frequencies up to:
a. 30,000Hz
b. 20,000Hz
c. 35,000Hz
d. 25,000Hz
67. Cats can hear frequencies up to:
a. 30,000Hz
b. 20,000Hz
c. 35,000Hz
d. 25,000Hz
68. Human ears can hear frequencies up to:
a. 30,000Hz
b. 20,000Hz
c. 35,000Hz
d. 25,000Hz
69. The frequency of ultrasound is more than:
a. 30,000Hz
b. 20,000Hz
c. 35,000Hz
d. 15,000Hz
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