11th class Computer Unit 2 MCQs
51. Which is not a LAN protocol?
b. Ethernet
c. IrDA
d. Token Ring
52. The most commonly used LAN protocol is:
b. Ethernet
c. WiMax
d. Token Ring
53. A device used to connect similar networks is called:
a. A and b
b. Gateway
c. Bridge
d. All
54. Which device does physical connection of each computer to a network?
a. Router
b. Network interface card
c. Gateway
d. Bridge
55. Which of the following is communication device?
a. UTP
b. Router
c. Ethernet
d. USB
56. LAN stands for:
a. Local Area network
b. Local Area nodes
c. Linked Area network
d. Land Area network
57. NIC allows direct connection to:
a. Printer
b. Monitor
c. Modem
d. Network
58. Which of the following is not a type of protocol?
b. Ethernet
c. FTP
59. A LAN protocol in which all computers and device son the network pass a special signal known as:
b. Ethernet
d. Token
60. Two different networks can be joined by:
a. Network interface card
b. Gateway
c. Cables
d. Bridge
61. Terminal is a:
a. The last instruction in a program
b. Device to give power supply to computer
c. Any input/output device
d. Point at which data enters or leaves the computer
62. What type of network is the internet?
a. WAN
b. LAN
c. PAN
d. MAN
63. People on LAN can share except:
a. Modem
b. Monitor
d. Printer
64. A network that transmits data over city wise distance faster than LAN is:
a. MAN
b. WAN
c. NAN
d. LAN
65. Which of the following is NOT a category of network?
a. MAN
b. WAN
c. NAN
d. LAN
66. Mobile phone (cellular) systems often use:
a. MAN
b. LAN
c. GAN
d. WAN
67. Which type of network is the internet?
a. WAN
b. LAN
c. MAN
d. Both B and C
68. MAN stands for:
a. Metropolitan arranged network
b. Metropolitan area network
c. Massive area networks
d. Marked area network
69. Which is not network type?
a. WAN
b. LAN
c. NAN
d. MAN
70. A network that covers a large geographic distance such as a country is called a:
a. LAN
b. PAN
c. WAN
d. MAN
71. Which network covers a large area:
a. MAN
b. LAN
c. PAN
d. WAN
72. The communication across WAN occurs using:
a. Satellite link
b. Microwave
c. Any
d. Telephone line
73. The primary difference between a LAN and a WAN is:
a. The variety of hardware devices
b. The number of software programs available
c. The number of hardware devices
d. Distance
74. In WAN, the communication software that allows a personal computer to upper as terminal is called:
a. Terminal emulation software
b. Electronic mail software
c. Bulletin board system
d. Teleconferencing software
75. An network that transmits data over citywide distance faster than LAN is:
a. MAN
b. WAN
c. NAN
d. LAN