12th class (Fsc) Biology unit 2 MCQs
chapter 2 MCQs 12th Class Biology
Support and Movements:
1. Bundle cap in sun flower stem, are formed by:
a. Mesenchyma
b. Sclerechyma
c. Collenchyma
d. Parenchyma
2. The loss of water due to ex- osmosis from plants cells causes plant to:
a. Wilt
b. Turgid
c. Rupture
d. Swell
3. Turgor pressure is generated by high osmotic pressure of the cell:
a. Mitochondria
b. Cytoplasm
c. Chloroplast
d. Vacuole
4. These are shorter than fibers and are found in seed coat and nut shell to provide protection:
a. Vessels
b. Trachoids
c. Trachea
d. Selerides
5. The collenchyma cells have protoplast and usually lack:
a. Middle Lemella
b. Primary cell
c. Vacuole
d. Secondary cell
6. The membrane that bounds vacuole is called:
a. Chromoplast
b. Tonoplast
c. Chloroplast
d. Leucoplast
7. Angular thickenings in their primary walls are present in:
a. Sclerenchyma
b. Parenchyma
c. Trachoids
d. Collenchyma
8. The inactive non-conducting wood is called:
a. Cork
b. Heart wood
c. Bark
d. Sap wood
9. An increase in plant growth due to activity of vascular cambium is called:
a. Sap wood q
b. Primary growth
c. Heart wood
d. Secondary growth
10. In terrestrial plants major mechanical stress is imposed by:
a. Wind
b. Gravity
c. Soil
d. Temperature
11. This type of wood is most resistant to decay and insect attack:
a. Heat wood
b. Callus
c. Sap wood
d. Heart wood
12. A respiratory protein which is present in all aerobic organism is:
a. Cytochrome
b. Haemoglobin
c. Cytochrone C
d. Myglobin
13. Which of the following cells have angular thickening in their primary walls?
a. Fibers
b. Collenchyma
c. Vessels
d. Sclerenchyma
14. The cell walls of sclerenchy matous cells are usually impregnated with:
a. Ligning
b. Silica
c. Suberin
d. Pectin
15. The collenchyma and sclerenchyma are with heavily lignified cells in:
a. Xylem and phloem
b. Cortex and phloem
c. Pericycle and cortex
d. Cortex and xylem
16. Change in water potential of a system due to the presence of solute molecules is called:
a. Matric potential
b. Pressure potential
c. Gravitational potential
d. Solute potential
17. The sclerenchyma has thick secondary walls usually impregnated with:
a. Silica
b. Chitin
c. Lignin
d. Pectin
18. Number of cervical vertebrae in a male camel (mammal):
a. No definite number
b. 7
c. Varied with size of week
d. 11
19. Bundle caps in sunflower stem are formed by:
a. Mesenchyma
b. Sclerenchyma
c. Collenchyma
d. Parenchyma
20. The loss of water due to ex-osmosis from plant cells causes plant to:
a. Swell
b. Turgid
c. Rupture
d. Wilt
21. The upper surface of leaves in bud condition shows:
a. Haptonasty
b. Photonasty
c. Epinasty
d. Hyponasty
22. Movement shown by sperms of liver worts , mosses, forns towards archegonia is a:
a. Chemotropic movement
b. Chemotactic movement
c. Phototropic movement
d. Photoactic movement
23. The movement in response to stimulus of touch i.e. Climbing vines is called:
a. Phototropism
b. Hydrotropism
c. Geotropism
d. Thigmotropism
24. The sleep movements of plants fall under the category of:
a. Turgor
b. Growth
c. Tropic
d. Tactic
25. Heptonastic movement occur in response to:
a. Temperature
b. Contact
c. Water
d. Chemical