11th class English (Poem 9)unit 27 MCQs
chapter 27 MCQs 11th Class English
The Feed:
Q1. Choose the correct answer.
1. What was the mother sparrow holding in her beak?
a. Millet
b. Wheat
c. Maize
d. Rice
2. The young ones are tiny and _.
a. White
b. Big
c. Black
d. Small
3. How many young ones are there in the nest?
a. Twelve
b. Three
c. Nine
d. Ten
4. Name the bird that has come to feed her young ones.
a. Sparrow
b. Crow
c. Parrot
d. Pigeon
Q2. Choose the correct meaning of underlined word.
1. Fissuring the atom.
a. Splitting
b. Joining
c. Bringing
d. Uniting
2. Conjoining beak with beak.
a. Uniting
b. Covering
c. Making
d. Wrapping
3. Conjoining beak with break.
a. Combining
b. Covering
c. Making
d. Wrapping
4. Man has fissured the atom.
a. Used
b. Broken
c. Liked
d. Built
5. The mother sparrow has brought a grain of millet in her beak.
a. A grain
b. A leave
c. A grain of
d. Soil
6. The mother sparrow has brought a grain of millet in her beak.
a. Paw
b. Nib
c. Shoulder
d. Truck
7. The mother sparrow wants to feed its tiny ones.
a. Abuse
b. Prick
c. Give food
d. Kill
8. The mother sparrows conjoin its beak with the little beaks.
a. Draw back
b. Join
c. Get on
d. Break
9. The mother wants to solace the young ones.
a. Whip
b. Hates
c. Comfort
d. Thrash
10. The mother sparrow wants to feed its tiny ones.
a. Huge
b. Big
c. Large
d. Little
11. Man has learned to wail in a loud tone.
a. Bark
b. Laugh
c. Weep
d. Mock
12. Man should learn to split grain.
a. Abridge
b. Construct
c. Flog
d. Break
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