12th class (Fsc) Biology unit 3 MCQs
51. The cure Parkinson’s Disease dipamine producing cells could be grafted directly into the:
a. Bone marrow
b. Brain
c. Blood
d. Liver
52. EEG is the most important test for the study of:
a. Alzheimer disease
b. Epilepsy
c. Arthritis
d. Parkinson’s disease
53. Endocrine glands secrete:
a. Enzymes
b. Hormones
c. Mucous
d. Salts
54. Which hormone is chemically steroid?
a. Thyroxine
b. ADH
c. Insulin
d. Corticosterone
55. Ovulation is induced by:
a. Estrogen
b. FSH
c. Progesterone
d. LH
56. Median lobe of pituitary gland secretes hormone:
a. Antidiuretic hormone
b. Gonadotrophic hormone
c. Somatotrophin
d. Melanophore stimulating hormone
57. The hormone which suppress ovulation is:
a. Progesterone
b. Testosterone
c. Gastrin
d. Oestrogen
58. The corpus luteum secretes a hormone:
a. Oestrogen
b. Oxytocine
c. Testosterone
d. Progesterone
59. Which hormone in male stimulates the production of testosterone?
a. LTH
b. TSH
d. FSH
60. The one which is not related to others is:
a. Exophthalmic goiter
b. Cretinism
c. Diabetes mellitus
d. Myxoedema
61. Thyroid glands produce:
a. Triiodothyronine
b. T3, T4 and calcitonin
c. Tetraiodothyronine
d. Calcitonin
62. Excess thyroxine produces a disease called:
a. Graves
b. Addison’s
c. Epilepsy
d. Cretinism
63. Alpha cells of pancreas secrete:
a. Pancreatic juice
b. Glucagon
c. Secretin
d. Insulin
64. Insulin and glucagon hormones are ……… in nature.
a. Steroids
b. Carbohydrates
c. Polypeptides
d. Proteins
65. A pair of adrenal glands is present on top of each:
a. Eye
b. Ear
c. Testis
d. Kidney
66. Secretin is a hormone produced by:
a. Pancreas
b. Liver
c. Adrenals
d. Gut
67. Gastrin is the hormone produced by the mucosa of:
a. Large intestine
b. Esophagus
c. Stomach
d. Small intestine
68. Higher form of learning is the:
a. Insight learning
b. Conditioned reflex type-I
c. Latent learning
d Imprinting
69. The simplest form of learning behavior is:
a. Insight leaning
b. Imprinting
c. Latent learning
d. Habituation
70. The form of learning which involve a diminish of response to repeated stimuli:
a. Latent learning
b. Imprinting
c. Insight learning
d. Habituation
71. Rodents respond to alarm cell by other in their group is an example of behavior termed as:
a. Conditioning
b. Imprinting
c. Latent learning
d. Habitation
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