12th class (Fsc) Physics unit 3 MCQs
76. A battery is used in:
a. Galvanometer
b. Ohmmeter
c. Voltmeter
d. Ammeter
77. If a low resistance is connected parallel to a galvanometer then galvanometer is converted into:
a. Ohmmeter
b. Ammeter
c. Multi-meter
d. Voltmeter
78. To convert a galvanometer into a volt meter a high resistance is connected:
a. In perpendicular
b. In series
c. Along tangent
d. In parallel
79. The relation between current I and angle of deflection θ in a moving coil galvanometer is:
a. I ∞ Sinθ
b. I ∞ θ
c. I ∞ Cosθ
d. I ∞ I/θ
80. In order to increase sensitivity of galvanometer the value of C may by:
a. Neither increase nor decrease
b. Increase
c. Remain same
d. Decrease
81. The effective way to increase the sensitivity of moving coil galvanometer is:
a. Increase the magnetic field
b. Increase the area of coil
c. Increase the value of constant C
d. Increase the number of turns
82. Sensitivity of a galvanometer can be increased by:
a. Decreasing area of plane of coil
b. Decreasing the value of torsional couple
c. Decreasing magnetic field
d. Decreasing number of turns
83. Galvanometer can be made more sensitive if the value of factor C/NAB is:
a. Remained constant
b. Made large
c. Made zero
d. Made small
84. The sensitivity of galvanometer directly depends upon:
a. Magnetic field
b. Area of coil
c. Both A & B
d. None of A, B, C
85. The sensitivity of galvanometer is given by:
a. BAN/C
b. CAN/B
c. BN/C
d. C/BAN
86. Current passing through the coil of galvanometer is:
87. Two parallel wires carrying currents in the opposite direction:
a. Have no effect upon each other
b. Repel each other
c. They cancel out their individual magnetic fields
d. Attract each other
88. ……… is correct relation.
a. lT = 10-2G
b. lT = 104G
c. lT = 102G
d. lT = 10-4G
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