10th class Biology unit 4 MCQs
chapter 4 MCQs 10th Class Biology
Support and Movement:
1. Number of bones in both feet is:
a. 22
b. 108
c. 54
d. 126
2. Babies are born with soft bones:
a. 266
b. 200
c. 300
d. 206
3. The number of bones in appendicular skeleton is:
a. 126
b. 120
c. 128
d. 124
4. Sternum is bone of:
a. A cranium
b. A leg
c. A hand
d. A chest bone
5. Which bone is a part of appendicular skeleton?
a. Sternum
b. Skull
c. Pectoral girdle
d. Vertebral column
6. The smallest bone of a human skeleton is:
a. Malleus
b. Stapes
c. Vertebra
d. Incus
7. The biggest bone is found in our:
a. Leg
b. Thigh
c. Waist
d. Hand
8. Number of cranial bones is:
a. 22
b. 8
c. 80
d. 14
9. The bones in pelvic or hip girdle are:
a. Four
b. Two
c. Five
d. Three
10. In mammals, the number of bones in lower jaw are:
a. Four
b. Only one
c. Five
d. Three
11. How many bones are there in appendicular skeleton?
a. 124
b. 20
c. 126
d. 122
12. Bone marrow is found in:
a. Osteocytes
b. Compact bone
c. Chondrocytes
d. Spongy bone
13. The part of bone in which blood vessels are present is:
a. Bone marrow
b. Spongy bone
c. Compact bone
d. None
14. ……… is present as a cover on the ends of long bones:
a. Fibrous cartilage
b. Hyaline cartilage
c. Inelastic cartilage
d. Elastic cartilage
15. There are also fibres in the matrix of cartilage called:
a. Collagen
b. Glucagon
c. Leukuna
d. Insulin
16. Cartilagenous cells are called:
a. Leucocytes
b. Chondrocytes
c. Erthrocyted
d. Osteocytes
17. Nose and larynx are made up of:
a. Fibrous cartilage
b. Hyaline cartilage
c. Bone
d. Elastic cartilage
18. The hard outer layer of bone is called:
a. Compact bone
b. Spongy bone
c. Epidermis
d. Cartilage
19. The mature bone cells are called:
a. Osteocytes
b. Coenocytes
c. Bone marrow
d. Monocytes
21. skeleton found outside the body is called:
a. Hydro skeleton
b. Endoskeleton
c. Fibro skeleton
d. Exoskeleton
22. In adult person skeleton has hard bones:
a. 206
b. 406
c. 106
d. 306
23. The end of muscle attached with moveable bone is:
a. Insertion
b. Origin
c. Extensions
d. Flexes
24. The hard connective tissue is:
a. Ligament
b. Cartilage
c. Tendens
d. Bone
25. The end of skeletal muscle attached with immoveable bone is:
a. Insertion
b. Static end
c. Origin
d. Belly
26. Deposition of uric acid in joints results in:
a. Osteoporosis
b. Osteoarthritis
c. Rheumatoid arthritis
d. Gout
27. This disorder involves the inflammation of the membranes at joints:
a. Osteoarthritis
b. Gout
c. Osteoporosis
d. Rheumatoid arthritis
28. Osteoporosis is a disease of:
a. Stomach
b. Bones
c. Brain
d. Heart
29. Generally gout attacks the joints of:
a. Ankle
b. Toe
c. Hinge
d. Hip
30. A disease caused by the shortage of estrogen hormone is:
a. Rheumatoid arthritis
b. Gout
c. Osteoarthritis
d. Osteoporosis
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