9th class English Unit 4 MCQs
Chapter 4 MCQS 9th class English
Hazrat Asma (R.A):
1) Choose the word with correct spelling:
1) a. Forious
b. Furious
c. Furis
d. Furous
2) a. Relieve
b. Reliave
c. Relieva
d. Ralieve
3) a. Vilantly
b. Vilently
c. Voilantly
d. Violently
4) a. Journiy
b. Journey
c. Joruney
d. Journei
5) a. Deilacte
b. Deliacate
c. Deelicate
d. Delicate
6) a. Migration
b. Migrratiion
c. Migrration
d. Migrattion
7) a. Traverse
b. Travarse
c. Travirse
d. Travurse
8) a. Enfuriated
b. Infuriated
c. Inferiated
d. Anfuriated
9) a. Accemplish
b. Acomplish
c. Accamplish
d. Accomplish
10) a. Detect
b. Detact
c. Ditect
d. Detakt
11) a. Poletely
b. Politely
c. Polietely
d. Polately
12) a. Perilous
b. Parilous
c. Perilus
d. Peralous
13) a. Divotion
b. Davotion
c. Duvotion
d. Devotion
14) a. Genrosity
b. Genrasty
c. Generosity
d. Genrosty
15) a. Belivers
b. Believers
c. Beleviers
d. Balievers
16) a. Inheritede
b. Inhertide
c. Inherited
d. Inheritted
17) a. Feuriosly
b. Feuriously
c. Furiously
d. Furiusly
18) a. Reveil
b. Ryvael
c. Reveal
d. Riveal
19) a. Rafuge
b. Rufuge
c. Rofuge
d. Refuge
20) a. Constent
b. Constant
c. Cunstent
d. Constunt
21) a. Compenion
b. Companion
c. Companon
d. Companioon
22) a. Ventere
b. Vinture
c. Venture
d. Vanture
23) a. Genarus
b. Genurous
c. Genorus
d. Generous
2) Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:
1. She remained stead fast and did not reveal the secret.
a. Ready
b. Patient
c. Afraid
d. Firm and resolute
2. Furiously means:
a. Regular
b. Happy
c. See
d. Angrily
3. She simply posed a counter question that infuriated Abu Jehl.
a. Helpless
b. Pleased
c. Enraged
d. Helped
4. It was so delicate situation
a. Sensitive
b. Difficult
c. Wrong
d. Easy
5. At this, she instantly ran to a corner of the home.
a. Swiftly
b. Hardly
c. Slowly
d. Immediately
7. Abu Jehl began knocking at the door violently.
a. Forcefully
b. Politely
c. Angrily
d. Slowly
8. She died at the ripe old age of about hundred years.
a. Tiny
b. Mature
c. Rich
d. Nice
9. The word vindicate means:
a. Experiment
b. Dedicate
c. Text
d. Revengeful
10. Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafaa (R.A) was a disbeliever at that time.
a. One who does not believe in Islam
b. Muslim
c. Ignorant
d. Brave
11. She prepared food for this journey.
a. Stay
b. Travel
c. Hunger
d. Picnic
12. She always remained unswerving.
a. Ready to face
b. Patient
c. Prepared for the worst
d. Firm and resolute
13. She would quietly go there.
a. Silently
b. Quickly
c. At once
d. Slowly
14. Slight means:
a. Fight
b. Little
c. Source
d. Big
15. She was quietly venture towards the rugged mountain.
a. Run
b. Play
c. Go in Danger
d. Roam
16. Detect means:
a. Looking for
b. To find out
c. Look into
d. Search
17. She prepared food for journey
a. Cooked
b. Got
c. Sold
d. Bought
18. The word refuge means:
a. Show
b. Regular
c. Heavy
d. Place of safety
19. Reveal means:
a. Happy
b. Hide
c. Regular
d. Show
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