10th class English Unit 5 MCQs
chapter 5 MCQS 10th Class English
The Rain:
1. Choose the word with correct spelling.
1) a. Neice
b. Noise
c. Naise
d. Noese
2) a. Lighte
b. Lyght
c. Light
d. Lighit
3) a. Cighte
b. Sigiht
c. Cight
d. Sight
4) a. Favourte
b. Favorite
c. Favoirte
d. Favourite
5) a. Wandrous
b. Warndrus
c. Wondrous
d. Warndrous
6) a. Drenking
b. Drinking
c. Droking
d. Dranking
7) a. Sholl
b. Shel
c. Shail
d. Shall
8) a. Cmes
b. Comes
c. Comos
d. Caamas
9) a. Aftor
b. Aftar
c. Aftar
d. After
10) a. Hope
b. Hape
c. Hepe
d. Hapa
11) a. Bright
b. Briet
c. Briet
d. Brieght
12) a. Dictionary
b. Dictianary
c. Dictinory
d. Dictinory
13) a. Atteched
b. Attached
c. Atachad
d. Ateched
14) a. Sarprised
b. Surpraise
c. Surprised
d. Surpreise
15) a. Astonished
b. Astonishad
c. Aestonished
d. Estonished
16) a. Genral
b. Genrel
c. Ganeral
d. General
17) a. Rasidence
b. Recedence
c. Rasadence
d. Residence
18) a. Dewelling
b. Dweling
c. Dwelling
d. Dveling
19) a. Sentance
b. Sentences
c. Santencas
d. Santances
20) a. Lovely
b. Lavely
c. Lowely
d. Levely
21) a. Camfortable
b. Comfortable
c. Cemfortable
d. Camfartoble
22) a. Lieves
b. Leeves
c. Leaves
d. Laeves
23) a. Bueght
b. Baught
c. Bought
d. Beaught
24) a. Suovenris
b. Souvanitrs
c. Sauvenris
d. Souvenirs
25) a. Coaster
b. Caoster
c. Koaster
d. Ceoster
2. Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:
1. And when the sun comes out after this rain shall stop. The underlined word means:
a. Appears
b. Passes
c. Hears
d. Spreads
2. It made me feel ……… which connotation is more negative?
a. He
b. Frightened
c. Uneasy
d. Brave
3. I ate a ……… sandwich. Which connotation is more negative?
a. Soggy
b. Moist
c. Uneasy
d. Grin
4. “Everyone had a ……… on his or her face on the way home. “Which connotation is more positive?
a. Smirk
b. Grin
c. Polite
d. Smile
5. The synonym “lovely” is:
a. Beautiful
b. Loyal
c. Ugly
d. Unattractive
6. The antonym of “bright” is:
a. Boring
b. Brilliant
c. Dark
d. Clear
7. Some of the monkeys made ……… faces. Which connotation is more positive?
a. Fool hardy
b. Amusing
c. Brave
d. Hilarious
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