12th class (Fsc) Biology unit 5 MCQs
26. Neural plate is formed from ………:
a. Endoderm
b. Ectoderm
c. Notochord
d. Mesoderm
27. The mesodermal cells do not invaginate but migrate medically and caudally from both sides and create a midline thickening called:
a. Epiblast
b. Hansen’s Node
c. Hypoblast
d. Primitive steak
28. Clear cytoplasm produces:
a. Gut
b. Larval epidermis
c. Neutral tube
d. Muscle cells
29. The pigment free area that appears at the time of fertilization is called:
a. Gray crescent
b. Embryo
c. White cytoplasm
d. York
30. Grey equatorial cytoplasm gives rise to:
a. Skeleton and muscles
b. Notochord and neural tube
c. Neural tube
d. Muscle cells and guts
31. Gray vegetal cytoplasm gives rise to:
a. Larval epidermis
b. Guts
c. Notochord
d. Muscle cells
32. Clear cytoplasm give rise to:
a. Larval epidermis
b. Muscle cells
c. Notochord
d. Gut
33. Yellow cytoplasm give rise to:
a. Gut
b. Larval epidermis
c. Notochord
d. Muscle cells
34. The grey equatorial cytoplasm in fertilized egg of ascidian produce:
a. Larval epidermis
b. Gut
c. Notochord and neural Tube
d. Muscle
35. Acetabularia is a/an:
a. Fungus
b. Epiphyte
c. Angiosperm
d. Alga
36. Gray equatorial cytoplasm gives rise to:
a. Notochord & Neural tube
b. Epidermis
c. Gut
d. Muscle cells
37. The negative physiological changes in our body are called:
a. Aging
b. Degeneration
c. Regeneration
d. Abnormalities
38. The human life span is judged to be maximum of:
a. 120-125 years
b. 60-70 years
c. 30-135 years
d. 70-100 years
39. Study of aging is called:
a. Paleontology
b. Teratology
c. Cell biology
d. Gerontology
40. Unspecialized cells, neoblast are alays present in body of:
a. Newt
b. Salamander
c. Lizard
d. Planaria
41. The head can be regenerated in:
a. Leech
b. Earthworm
c. Grasshopper
d. Frog
42. Which of the following chromosomal abnormalities lead to tallness, aggressiveness, mental defect and anti social behavior?
b. XXY
c. XYY
d. XO
43. The individuals who born with abnormal organs or body parts is called:
a. Falignant
b. Malformed
c. Malfunction
d. Malignant
44. Branch of biology which deals with the study of abnormal development and their cause is called:
a. Embryology
b. Teratology
c. Microcephaly
d. Gerontology
45. Environmental factors causing abnormal development are grouped together as:
a. Mutagens
b. Toxins
c. Teratogens
d. Carcinogens
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