10th class Biology unit 6 MCQs
chapter 6 MCQs 10th Class Biology
1. The branch of biology which deals with the study of inheritance is called:
a. Genetics
b. Taxonomy
c. Both A and B
d. Genetic engineering
2. The process in which genetic material of one generation is transmitted to next is known as:
a. Reduction
b. Reproduction
c. Inheritance
d. Respiration
3. Transmission of character from parent of offspring is called:
a. Regeneration
b. Inheritance
c. Reproduction
d. Mutation
4. These are the units of inheritance:
a. Phenotype
b. Genes
c. Genotype
d. Alleles
5. It is a heredity (genetic) material:
a. tRNA
b. null
c. Rrna
d. mRNA
6. The process of formation of protein is:
a. Mutation
b. Translation
c. Replication
d. Duplication
7. Genetics is the branch of biology in which we study:
a. Inheritance
b. Functions
c. Evolution
d. Fossils
8. Chromatin material is made up of:
a. RNA and protein
b. Protein
c. DNA and protein
d. DNA
9. Location of genes on chromosomes are called:
a. Phenotypes
b. Loci
c. Genotypes
d. Alleles
10. Genes consists of:
a. Protein
b. RNA
c. DNA
d. mRNA
11. Inherited characters are called:
a. Genetics
b. Genes
c. Fertilization
d. Traits
12. In human body cells, the number of pairs of homologous chromosomes is:
a. 24
b. 22
c. 25
d. 23
13. How many pairs of homologous chromosomes are present in human body?
a. 28
b. 23
c. 56
d. 46
14. In a nucleosome, DNA is wrapped around a protein named:
a. Histone
b. Insulin
c. Hemoglobin
d. Interferon
15. DNA wraps around a histone protein and forms a round structure called: Q
a. Nucleosome
b. Polysome
c. Phosphate
d. Nucleotide
16. Model of a DNA structure was presented by:
a. Charles Darwin
b. Mendal
c. C.D. Buffon
d. Watson and Crick
17. James Watson and Frances Crick proposed the structure of DNA in:
a. 1953A.D
b. 1951 A.D
c. 1954 A.D
d. 1952 A.D
18. In the structure of a DNA, adenine of one nucleotide makes a pair with which of the following nitrogen bases?
a. Thymine
b. Guanine
c. Uracil
d. Cytosine
19. Between adenine and thymine the number of hydrogen bonds is:
a. Six
b. Two
c. Eight
d. Four
20. ……… hydrogen bonds are present between cytosine and guanine:
a. Four
b. Two
c. Five
d. Three
21. Formation of messenger RNA (mRNA) from DNA is called:
a. Transcription
b. Translation
c. Translocation
d. Transduction
22. The alternate forms of gene are called:
a. Multiple alleles
b. Alleles
c. Characters
d. Alternatives
23. Alternative forms of alleles are called:
a. Chromosome
b. Alleles
c. Gametes
d. DNA
24. In DNA nucleotide, ……… joins with guanine:
a. Uracil
b. Cytosine
c. Adenine
d. Thymine
25. The specific combination of genes in an individual is known as:
a. Homozygous
b. Phenotype
c. Heterozygous
d. Genotype
26. The physical appearance or colour of an organism is called:
a. Phenotype
b. Genotype
c. Physical power
d. Karyotype
27. Physical appearance of organisms such as colour and height, etc are called:
a. Karyotype`
b. Genotype
c. Genome
d. Phenotype
28. Cytosine always form a link with:
a. Guanine
b. Thymine
c. Uracil
d. Adenine
29. The location of gene on a chromosome is called:
a. Trait
b. Genome
c. Locus
d. Nucleosome
30. The part of DNA which have instructions to prepare a specific protein is called:
a. Gene
b. Traits
c. Chromosome
d. Alleles
31. The changings in DNA are called:
a. Mutations
b. Homozygous
c. Zygous
d. Heterozygous
32. An organism expressed physical trait such as seed shape or pod colour is called:
a. Phenotype
b. Karyotype
c. Chemical type
d. Genotype
33. Albinism is a/an ……… trait:
a. Co dominant
b. Dominant
c. Incomplete dominant
d. Recessive
34. Dominant alleles are represented by:
a. Roman numbers
b. Small letters
c. Numerical numbers
d. Capital letters
35. Scientist who developed law of segregation:
a. RC Punnett
b. John Methew
c. Charles Darwin
d. Gregor Mendel
36. On which vegetable, Mendel carried out a large number of experiments?
a. Potato
b. Garden pea
c. Cabbage
d. Tomato
37. How much pea plants Mendel used in his experiments?
a. 26,000
b. 28,000
c. 27,000
d. 29,000
38. The term true breeding means:
a. Same
b. Homozygous
c. Different
d. Heterozygous
39. Which organism has short but fast life cycle by Mendel?
a. Onion
b. Ginger
c. Tulip
d. Pea
40. A cross in which one character is studied at a time is called:
a. Test cross
b. Monohybrid cross
c. Back cross
d. Dihybrid cross
41. If two plants having genotype ‘Rr’ are crossed with each other, what percentage of newly produced plants will have genotype ‘rr’?
a. 75%
b. 25%
c. 100%
d. 50%
42. In a monohybrid cross, the ratio of the phenotypes was:
a. 9:4:3:0
b. 9:3:3::1
c. 4:0
d. 3:1
43. Pea plant with genotype RRyy will produce seeds:
a. Wrinkled yellow
b. Round yellow
c. Wrinkled green
d. Round green
44. Mendel’s primary contribution to our understanding of inheritance was:
a. The discovery of alleles
b. The idea that genes are found on chromosomesn
c. Determining that information contained in DNA are for protein synthesis
d. Explanation of the patterns of inheritance
45. An organism has two different alleles for a single trait, its genotype is:
a. Homologous
b. Homozygous
c. Homozygous
d. Heterozygous
46. The ratio of phenotype in law of independent assortment is:
a. 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
b. 9 : 3 : 1 : 3
c. 9 : 3 : 3 : 3
d. 9 : 3 : 2 : 2
47. The representation of a genotype in the form of a characteristics is called:
a. Dominant
b. Genotype
c. Recessive
d. Phenotype
48. Producing the normal body pigments is an example of:
a. Traits
b. Phenotype
c. Chromosomes
d. Genotype
50. The allele which is not expressed in F generation is:
a. Mutant
b. Dominant
c. Selected
d. Recessive
51. Three alleles ‘I ’,’I ’, and ‘i’ control human blood groups. What is the blood group of a person having two alleles ‘ii’?
a. Blood group AB
b. Blood group A
c. Blood group O
d. Blood group B
52. Human blood group AB is an example of:
a. Codominance
b. Complete dominance
c. Recessiveness
d. Incomplete dominance
53. The example of co-dominance is:
a. Blood group AB
b. Blood group A
c. Blood group O
d. Blood group B
54. The genotype of a person with blood group B is:
a. lAlB
b. lAlA
c. lBlA
d. lBlB
55. The genotype of O blood group is:
a. lBlB
b. lBi
c. lAlA
d. ii
56. Phenotype ratio in incomplete dominance is:
a. 3:1
b. 1:2:1
c. 1:3:3
d. 1:3
57. Which relationship is found in alleles of blood group 1A and B1 ?
a. Incomplete dominance
b. Co- Dominance
c. Complete dominance
d. Recessive
58. An example of discontinuous variation is:
a. Intelligence
b. Height`
c. Blood groups
d. Weight
59. The anti evolution idea is called:
a. Theory of special creation
b. Breeding theory
c. Darwinism
d. Special evolution theory
60. The term artificial selection was expressed by the scientist:
a. C.D. Buffon
b. Aristotle
c. Abu Rayhan Bairuni
d. Theophrastus
61. Who proposed the mechanism of organic evolution in 1838?
a. Charles Darwin
b. Mendel
c. Buffon
d. Ian Wilmut
62. In artificial selection, the bred plants are called:
a. Lichens
b. Breeds
c. Varieties or cultivars
d. Mutation
63. How many years, Darwin traveled in HMS ship?
a. Six
b. Four
c. Seven
d. Five
64. Charles Darwin proposed the method of organic evolution in:
a. 1930
b. 1838
c. 1900
d. 1882
65. Darwin proposed the theory of:
a. Use and disuse of organs
b. Special creation
c. Mutation
d. Natural selection
66. The book “Natural selection” written by Darwin was published in:
a. 1959 A.D
b. 1859 A.D
c. 1960 A.D
d. 1860 A.D
67. Theory of natural selection was presented by:
a. Darwin
b. Aristotle
c. Malthus
d. Lamarck
68. Such plants whose breeding is carried out are called:
a. Carnivores
b. Cultivores
c. Insectivores
d. Breeders
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