11th class Computer unit 6 MCQs
51. A set of illegal instructions inserted into a legitimate computer program is called:
a. Worm
b. Trapdoor
c. Bomb
d. Trojan horse
52. Which of the following is a biometric technique for person identification?
a. Fingerprint
b. Access card
c. PIN
d. Password
53. Another name for free software:
a. Public domain software
b. Encrypted software
c. Shareware
d. Copy protected software
54. Security protection for personal computers include:
a. Software
b. Internal components
c. Locks and cables
d. All of these
55. A secret word or numbers to be typed in on a keyboard before any activity can take place are called:
a. Password
b. Biometric data
c. Private word
d. Data encryption
56. What is the most common computer crime of these listed below?
a. Putting people on junk mailing lists
b. Extortion of bank funds
c. Software piracy
d. IRS database sabotage
57. Most computer crimes are committed by:
a. Highly trained computer consultants
b. Hackers
c. International spies
d. All of these
58. Types of software that can be freely distributed without violating copyright laws are called:
a. Shareware
b. Public domain
c. Copy protected
d. A and B both
59. Information is:
a. Should be free, according to the original hacker ethic
b. A marketable commodity
c. Can be stolen while leaving the original behind
d. All of these
60. Making illegal copies of software is called:
a. Software piracy
b. Software hacking
c. Software distribution
d. Software browsing
61. A right of person to keep his personal information away from the unauthorized access is called:
a. Personal issue
b. Piracy
c. Assets
d. Privacy
62. Which of the following is the most damaging loss to a computer?
a. Loss of software
b. Loss of hardware
c. Loss of printouts
d. Loss of data
63. A person who gain illegal access to a computer system is called:
a. Pirates
b. Hacker
c. User
d. Worm
64. Most of the computer crimes are committed by:
a. Computer experts
b. Outsiders
c. Computer programmer
d. Insiders
65. An additional copy of your stored on storage media is called:
a. Moving of data
b. Backup of data
c. Transfering Data
d. Set of data
66. Protecting computes and the information they contain against unwanted access, damage, modification or destruction is called:
a. Audit control
b. Computer monitoring
c. Computer security
d. Electronic policing
67. The restricted access to the server computer room is a form of:
a. Physically security
b. Logical security
c. User security
d. Enterprise security
68. Which of the following is not an authentication methodology?
a. PIN
b. Access cards
c. Piracy
d. Fingerprint
69. Which of the following is an example of a good password?
a. Word related to a job or hobby
b. Name of a partner or spouse
c. Combination of letters, numbers and symbols
d. Name of a child or pet
70. Who is responsible of security of online data?
a. Internet Service provider
b. User
c. Organization obtaining the data
d. LAN administrator
71. Making illegal copies of copyrighted software is called:
a. Software browsing
b. Software piracy
c. Software hacking
d. Software distribution
72. Software that is available free for a limited period is called:
a. Shareware
b. Freeware
c. Vertical
d. Groupware
73. Which of the following media can be used for backup?
a. Tape device
b. Floppy diskette
c. Zip disk
d. All
74. An additional or spare copy of data stored on storage media is call:
a. Moving data
b. Backup of data
c. Additional data
d. Copying data
75. The right of a person to keep his personal information away from others is called:
a. Secrecy
b. Privacy
c. Right
d. Private
76. A person who gains illegal to a computer system is called:
a. Computer operator
b. Hacker
c. Authorized person
d. Network controller
77. The right to use the software on the computer is called:
a. Software piracy
b. Software copyright
c. Intellectual property right
d. Site license
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