12th class (Fsc) Physics unit 6 MCQs
chapter 6 MCQs 12th Class physics
Physics of Solids:
1. The critical temperature of mercury is:
a. 3.72K
b. 1.18K
c. 7.2K
d. 4.2K
2. Which one of the following is crystalline solid?
a. Natural rubber
b. Zirconia
c. Poly strene
d. Glassy solid
3. Substance which undergo plastic deformation until they break are known as:
a. Non-magnetic substance
b. Brittle substance
c. Magnetic substance
d. Ductile substance
4. To get N-type, the Ge is depending with:
a. Boron
b. Aluminum
c. Indium
d. Arsenic
5. Substance which break just after the elastic limits is reached are called as:
a. Brittle substance
b. Ductile substance
c. Soft substance
d. Hard substance
6. Which type of impurity is to be added to a pure semi-conductor crystal to provide holes?
a. Tetravalent
b. Zin
c. Pentavalent
d. Trivalent
7. A single domain in ferromagnetic substance contains nearly:
a. 1015 → 1020
b. 108 → 109
c. 1012 → 1020
d. 1012 → 1016
8. Which one is not a crystalline solid?
a. Nylon
b. Zinc
c. Zirconia
d. Copper
9. In extrinsic semiconductors doping is of the order of:
a. 1 atom of 103
b. 1 atom of 104
c. 1 atom of 106
d. 1 atom of 108
10. In “N” type material, the minority charge carries are:
a. Protons
b. Free electrons
c. Mesons
d. Holes
11. Which of the followings does not undergo plastic deformation?
a. Head
b. Copper
c. Glass
d. Wrought iron
12. Donor impurities are:
a. Antimony arsenic
b. Germanium, silicon
c. Diamond, carbon
d. Indium, gallium
13. Which one is not a ductile material?
a. Copper
b. Lead
c. Wrought iron
d. Steel
14. Three are different crystal systems. The number of these crystal system is:
a. 5
b. 3
c. 7
d. 4
15. After curie temperature, iron is:
a. Diamagnetic
b. Ferromagnetic
c. Magnetic
d. Paramagnetic
16. The number of crystal system are:
a. Seven
b. Three
c. Fifteen
d. Five
17. Curie temperature for iron is:
a. 750oC
b. 710oC
c. 780oC
d. 730oC
18. A device used to detect very week magnetic field produced by brain is named as:
a. Squid
b. MRI
c. CRO
d. Cat Scans
19. Example of ductile substance is:
a. Lead
b. Glass
c. Oxygen
d. Wood
20. Which one is pentavanlent impurity?
a. Antimony
b. Boron
c. Indium
d. Gallium
21. Domains are existed in:
a. Paramagnetic materials
b. Ferromagnetic materials
c. Semi-conductors
d. Diamagnetic materials
22. Which one pair belongs to accepter impurity?
a. Antimony, indium
b. Aresinci, phosphorus
c. Arsenic antimony
d. Boron, gallium
23. The SI unit of stress is same as that of:
a. Momentum
b. Pressure
c. Worked
d. Force
24. The crystalline structure of NaCl is:
a. Trigonal
b. Cubical
c. Tetragonal
d. Hexagonal
25. The substance in which atom cooperates with each other in such a way so as to exhibit a strong magnetic field is called:
a. Diamagnetic
b. Ferromagnetic
c. Non-magnetic
d. Paramagnetic