9th class English Unit 6 MCQs
Chapter 6 MCQs 9th Class English
The Quaid’s Vision and Pakistan:
1) Choose the word with correct spelling:
1) a. Leiteratur
b. Literature
c. Litearture
d. Lieterataure
2) a. Consiption
b. Conseption
c. Concaption
d. Conception
3) a. Uthnic
b. Ethnic
c. Athenic
d. Athnic
4) a. Sosiety
b. Cocity
c. Sosaity
d. Society
5) a. Anormity
b. Inormity
c. Enormety
d. Enormity
6) a. Urlier
b. Arlier
c. Earlier
d. Aerlier
7) a. Biulding
b. Building
c. Buliding
d. Bulding
8) a. Emergence
b. Emargence
c. Emargance
d. Emergance
9) a. Fandamental
b. Fundemental
c. Fundamental
d. Fondamental
10) a. Discipline
b. Dispilne
c. Dscipline
d. Dcipline
11) a. Hestorey
b. Hestory
c. History
d. Historey
12) a. Numarous
b. Nomorous
c. Numrous
d. Numerous
13) a. Pivot
b. Pavot
c. Pevot
d. Pivoat
14) a. Aptitude
b. Aptetude
c. Aptetude
d. Aptitued
15) a. Immence
b. Immanse
c. Immance
d. Immense
16) a. Curage
b. Corag
c. Courege
d. Courage
17) a. Ambiton
b. Ambitoin
c. Ambioton
d. Ambition
18) a. Separete
b. Separate
c. Siprate
d. Seperate
19) a. Indepandent
b. Independent
c. Indepandant
d. Indapendent
20) a. Pagan
b. Pagun
c. Pegan
d. Pagin
21) a. Determination
b. Diterminension
c. Detarmination
d. Determinetion
22) a. Tredition
b. Tradition
c. Tredishun
d. Tredetion
23) a. Cestum
b. Kustom
c. Custom
d. Costom
2) Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:
1. Quaid was a man of strong belief.
a. Firm belief
b. Wavering belief
c. Weak belief
d. No belief
2. Keep up your morale.
a. Voice
b. Wealth
c. Journey
d. Self-esteem
3. Todays the Quaid;s Pakistan is facing numerous challenges.
a. Very less
b. Many
c. Very easy
d. Empty
4. Do not afraid of death.
a. Scared
b. Liked
c. Repaired
d. Smeared
5. “We are a nation”, he affirmed.
a. Broke in
b. Told
c. Advised
d. Said emphatically
6. He gave the Muslims a sense of identity.
a. Strength
b. Pleasure
c. Power
d. Recognition
7. We should face it bravely to save the honour of Pakistan.
a. Correct
b. Repair
c. Rectify
d. Cope with
9. Self-esteem means:
a. Hour
b. Horror
c. Shortage
d. Honour
10. Pivot means:
a. Powerful point
b. End point
c. Beginning point
d. Centre point
11. The word “Emerging” means.
a. Rising
b. Disappear
c. Neglect
d. Forsake
12. The Quaid was a man of Strong Faith and belief.
a. Wavering faith
b. Firm faith
c. Common faith
d. Weak faith
13. The entire Journey of the great leader’s struggle was for Muslims of sub-continent.
a. Pleasing
b. Short
c. Complete
d. Long
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