11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 7 MCQs
Chapter 7 MCQs 11th Class Biology
The kingdom Protista (or protoctista):
1. John Hogg proposed the kingdom:
a. Algae
b. Monera
c. Protoctista
d. Fungi
2. Who proposed kingdom Protista for microscopic organisms?
a. H. Copeland
b. Whittiker
c. Haeckel
d. John Hogg
3. Euglena is included in kingdom:
a. Fungi
b. Monera
c. Plantae
d. Protista
4. African sleeping sickness is transmitted by:
a. Tse-Tse fly
b. Trypanosome
c. Plasmodium
d. Mosquito
5. Kingdom regarded as polyphyletic group of organism:
a. Plantae
b. Animalia
c. Fungi
d. Protista
6. Margulis and Schwartz accommodate the diverse assemblage of organism of Protista into:
a. 10 phyla
b. 37 phyla
c. 5 phyla
d. 27 phyla
7. Amoebas moves and obtain food by means of:
a. Cilia
b. Plasmodium
c. Pseudopodia
d. Flagella
8. The sexual process exhibited by most ciliates is called:
a. Conjugation
b. Oogamy
c. Fertilization
d. Binary fission
9. Parasitic protozoans that form spores at some stage in their life belong to which group:
a. Diatoms
b. Ciliates
c. Apicomplexans
d. Actinopods
10. Algae which have shells composed of two halves that fit together like petri dish belong to:
a. Red algae
b. Brown algae
c. Green algae
d. Diatoms
11. Algae in which body is differentiated into blades, stipes and holdfast belong to:
a. Euglenoids
b. Diatoms
c. Green algae
d. Kelps
12. Chl a, Chl b and carotenoids are found in:
a. Green algae, euglenoids and plants
b. Brown algae, golden algae and diatoms
c. Red algae, euglenoids and brown algae
d. Green algae, golden algae and euglenoids
13. Which of the one in the following is a prokaryote?
a. Fungus
b. Amoeba
c. Blue green alga
d. Alga
14. Example of apicomplexans is:
a. Stentor
b. Vorticella
c. Amoeba
d. Plasmodium
15. Entamoeba histolytica cause amoebic:
a. Dysentery
b. Cholera
c. Migraine
d. Fever
16. Pleomyxa palustris is:
a. Ciliate
b. Bacterium
c. Zooflagellate
d. Amoeba
17. Which are the major producers in aquatic ecosystem?
a. Euglenoids
b. Green algae
c. Red algae
d. Diatoms
18. Which of the following is note present in protists?
a. Cilia
b. Flagella
c. None of these
d. Embryo
19. The Tse-Tse fly of African countries transmits Trypanosoma ,the cause of:
a. Lung infection
b. Sleeping sickness
c. Skin diseases
d. Both A & B
20. Trypanosome is an example of:
a. Apicomplexans
b. Actinopods
c. Ciliates
d. Zooflagellates
21. The edible algae is:
a. Diatoms
b. Mushroom
c. Dinoflagellates
d. Kelps
22. Tests of foraminifera, are made up of:
a. Sulphur
b. Silica
c. Magnesium
d. Calcium
23. Common name for Pyrrophyta is:
a. Dinoflagellates
b. Euglenoids
c. Brown algae
d. Diatoms
24. Which is not included in chlorophyta?
a. Spirogyra
b. Spirogyra
c. Acetabularia
d. Pinnularia
25. Which one of the following is not a ciliate?
a. Paramecium
b. Stentor
c. Vorticella
d. Trypanosome
26. Chlorella is:
a. Unicellular motile
b. Multicellular
c. Unicellular non-motile
d. Acellular
27. The intestinal parasite causes amebic dysentery in humans is:
a. Entamoeba histolytica
b. Trichonymphas
c. Apicomplexans
d. Pelomyxa pelustris
28. The scientific name of giant amoeba is:
a. Pelomyxa palustris
b. Entamoeba histolytica
c. Vorticella
d. Amoeba proteus
29. Most ciliates are capable of sexual process called:
a. Conjugation
b. Oogamy
c. Copulation
d. Mating
30. Actinopods with glassy shells are:
a. Diatoms
b. Rotifers
c. Forams
d. Radiolarians
31. Protozoans having two kinds of nuclei:
a. Ciliates
b. Amoeba
c. Actinopods
d. Zooglagellates
32. Which one is member of chrysophyta?
a. Polysiphonia
b. Ceratium
c. Pinnularia
d. Macrocystis
33. Ecologically, dinoglagellates are one of the most important group of:
a. Producer
b. Decomposer
c. Primary consumer
d. Secondary consumer
34. The causative agent of African sleeping sickness is:
a. Trypanosoma
b. Tse-Tse fly
c. Trichonymphas
d. Mosquito
35. ……… zooflagellates are supported to be ancestor of the sponges.
a. Euglena
b. Trypanosoma
c. Choanoflagellates
d. Trichonympha
36. Apicomplexans move by:
a. Flexing
b. Tube feet
c. Pseudopodia
d. Cilia
37. Phytophthora infestans belongs to the group:
a. Euglenoids
b. Myxomycota
c. Rhydophyta
d. Oomycotes
38. Volvox belongs to phylum:
a. Phaeophyta
b. Chlorophyta
c. Pyrrophyta
d. Rhodophyta
39. Mosquito injects plasmodium to human in the form of:
a. Gametocytes
b. Sporozoites
c. Cysts
d. Merozoites
40. Phycoerythrin is found in:
a. Phaeophyta
b. Pyrrophyta
c. Chrysophyta
d. Rhydophyta
41. The classification of algae into phyla is largely based in the composition of:
a. Cytoplasm
b. Cell wall
c. Pigments
d. Cell membrane
42. One of the most unusual Protist phyla is that of:
a. Dinoflagellates
b. Zooflagellates
c. Apicomplexa
d. Euglenoids
43. Length of brown algae range from few centimeters to:
a. 70 cm
b. 170 meters
c. 75 cm
d. 75 meters
44. Which one belongs to actinopodes?
a. Verticella
b. Trypanosome
c. Radiolarians
d. Plasmodium
45. Diatoma belongs to phylum:
a. Chlorophyta
b. Rhodophyta
c. Chrysophyta
d. Euglenophyta
46. The phylum which is exclusively marine is:
a. Echinodermata
b. Cnidarian
c. Annelida
d. Porifera
47. Algae having shells composed of two halves that fit together like petri dish belongs to:
a. Actinopoda
b. Diatoms
c. Smile molds
d. Foraminifera
48. Giants of the protists kingdom are included in:
a. Green algae
b. Brown algae
c. Diatoms
d. Red algae
49. The largest brown algae are called:
a. Dinoflagellates
b. Diatoms
c. Geliduim
d. Kelps
50. Ceratium belongs to group of algae called:
a. Brown algae
b. Diatoms
c. Dinoflagellates
d. Red algae
51. Algae which take part in building coral reefs along with coral animals are:
a. Green algae
b. Red algae
c. Diatoms
d. Brown algae
52. RNA sequencing indicates that green algae and plants form a:
a. Polyphyletic lineage
b. Monophyletic lineage
c. Paraphyletic lineage
d. Biphyletic lineage
53. Which chemical is deposited in the shell of diatoms?
a. Silica
b. Calcium
c. Lignin
d. Pectin
54. Amoeba dysentery in:
a. Trypanosome
b. Amoeba
c. Plasmodium
d. Entamoeba histolytica
55. Which are the major producers in aquatic system?
a. Slime molds
b. Green algae
c. Ferns
d. Diatoms
56. A unicellular, non-motile green algae is:
a. Chlorella
b. Volvox
c. Kelps
d. Ulva
57. Polysiphonia is an example of:
a. Green algae
b. Red algae
c. Diatoms
d. Green algae
58. Members of phylum chrysophyta are commonly called:
a. Dinoflagellates
b. Brown algae
c. Diatoms
d. Red algae
59. Diatoms belong to phylum:
a. Chrysophyta
b. Rholophyta
c. Pyrrophyta
d. Phaeophyta
60. Algae whose cell wall consist of two shells that overlap like petri dish:
a. Ciliates
b. Dinoflagellates
c. Euglenoids
d. Diatoms
61. Sleeping sickness is spread by:
a. Mosquito
b. Tse-Tse fly
c. Plasmodium
d. Trypanosoma
62. What is not true for ciliates?
a. Maybe sessile
b. Flexible outer covering, the pellicle
c. Do not ingest bacteria
d. Without nuclei
63. Which of the following is not present in protists?
a. Cilia
b. Embryo
c. Flagella
d. None of these
64. One or small diploid micronodie of ciliates function in:
a. Sheath
b. Sexual process
c. Cuticle
d. Pellicle
65. An outer flexible covering of ciliates is:
a. Sheath
b. Cell wall
c. Cuticle
d. Pellicle
66. Mosquito injects ……… into human body:
a. Oocytes
b. Merozoites
c. Sporozoites
d. Gametocytes
67. The protozoans having two kids of nuclei:
a. Ciliates
b. Amoeba
c. Actinopods
d. Zooflagellates
68. The sexual process is exhibited by most ciliates by:
a. Budding
b. Binary fission
c. Fertilization
d. Conjugation
69. Ceratium belongs to group of algae is called:
a. Red algae
b. Diatoms
c. Dinoflagellates
d. Brown algae
70. Slime mold feeding stage is:
a. Plasmodium
b. Mycelium
c. Hyphae
d. Pseudopodium
71. The feeding stage of slime mold is called:
a. Hyphae
b. Mycelium
c. Plasmodium
d. Pseudopodium
72. Cell wall in Oomycetes is chemically composed of:
a. Proteins
b. Cellulose
c. Lignin
d. Chitin
73. The closest relatives of fungi are probably:
a. Slime molds
b. Aschelminthes
c. Ferns
d. Diatoms
74. Late blight of potato is caused by:
a. Zygomcota
b. Smile mold
c. Assomycota
d. Oomycota
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