12th class (Fsc) Chemistry unit 7 MCQs
76. In neopentane the central carbon atom is:
a. Secondary in nature
b. Primary in nature
c. Quaternary in nature
d. Tertiary in nature
77. In iso butane the central carbon atom is:
a. Primary in nature
b. Secondary in nature
c. Quaternary in nature
d. Tertiary in nature
78. In tertiary butyl alcohol the tertiary carbon is bonded to:
a. One hydrogen atoms
b. Two hydrogen atoms
c. No hydrogen atoms
d. Three hydrogen atoms
79. The state of hybridization of carbon atom is ethyne is:
a. Sp3
b. Sp2
c. Dsp2
d. Sp
80. The state of hybridization of carbon atom is benzene is:
a. Sp
b. Sp3
c. Ds3d
d. Sp2
81. Five carbon compounds, pentane has number of isomerism:
a. Three
b. Five
c. Ten
d. Four
82. Select one which shows cis-trans isomerism:
b. CI2C=CCL2
c. CBr2 =CBr2
d. CH2 =CH2
83. Geometric isomerism is present in:
a. Propane
b. Methane
c. 2-butene
d. Ethane
84. Tautomerism arises due to shifting of:
a. Proton
b. Pi-electrons
c. Neutron
d. Sigma bond
85. Thirty carbon compound have possible isomers:
a. Three billions
b. Four billions
c. Five billions
d. Two billions
86. Compounds having same molecular formula but different structural formula are called:
a. Isomers
b. Monomers
c. Polymers
d. Enantiomers
87. Which of the following do not shows chain isomerism:
a. Propane
b. Methane
c. Ethane
d. All of given
88. Isomerism are due to restricted rotation around a carbon-carbon double bond is called:
a. Functional group isomerism
b. Position isomerism
c. Chain isomerism
d. Cis-trans isomerism
89. Which one of the following organic compounds does not show position as well as functional group isomerism?
a. Pentanal
b. Butanol
c. Butanoic acid
d. Pentanobne
90. Select from the following, which one is not aclcohol:
a. C6 H5 -OH
b. CH2 -CH2 -OH
c. C6 H5 -CH2 -OH
d. (CH3 )3 C-OH
91. The state of hybridization of carbon atom in methane is:
a. sp
b. sp3
c. dsp3
d. Sp2
92. In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is bonded to:
a. One hydrogen atoms
b. Two hydrogen atoms
c. No hydrogen atoms
d. Three hydrogen atoms
93. Which set of hybrid orbitals has planar triangular shape:
a. Sp2
b. Sp3
c. Dsp2
d. Sp
94. The chemist who synthesized urea from ammonium cyanate was:
a. Wholer
b. Berzelius
c. Lavosiser
d. Kolble
95. Linear shape is associated with whihc set of hybird orbitals?
a. Sp3
b. Sp
c. Dsp2
d. Sp2
96. A double bond consists of:
a. One sigma and two pi bonds
b. Two sigma bonds
c. Two pi bonds
d. one sigma and one pi bond
97. Ethers show the phenomenon of:
a. Metamerism
b. Position isomerism
c. Cis-trans isomerism
d. Functional group isomerism
98. Select from the following the one which is alcohol:
b. CH3 -CH2 -OH
c. CH3 -CH2 -Br
d. CH3 -O-CH3
99.Marsh is:
a. C3H8
b. CH4
c. C4H10
d. C2H6
100. Peat before conversion to bituminous coal is converted to:
a. Lignite
b. Anthracite
c. Asphalt
d. All of these