10th class English Unit 9 MCQs
Chapter 9 MCQs 10th Class English
Selection the Right Career:
1.Choose the word with correct spelling:
1) a. Terands
b. Trends
c. Trandes
d. Trands
2) a. Statictics
b. Statistics
c. Statestics
d. Stetistics
3) a. Earrnd
b. Earned
c. Earneed
d. Earnd
4) a. Enterest
b. Interest
c. Intirest
d. Interast
5) a. Daymic
b. Dynmaic
c. Dynamic
d. Dymanic
6) a. Fixe
b. Fics
c. Fix
d. Ficxs
7) a. Career
b. Caraer
c. Carrerr
d. Carear
8) a. Breif
b. Brife
c. Brieff
d. Brief
9) a. Seiparate
b. Saparate
c. Separate
d. Saparat
10) a. Avaleable
b. Available
c. Aviolable
d. Avialable
11) a. Eiducation
b. Education
c. Aeducation
d. Aiducation
12) a. Apetude
b. Epititude
c. Aptitud
d. Aptitude
13) a. Mintal
b. Mentel
c. Mental
d. Mantal
14) a. Survay
b. Servey
c. Survey
d. Sarvey
15) a. Virious
b. Verious
c. Vireous
d. Various
16) a. Liseton
b. Listen
c. Listene
d. Licten
17) a. Livilihood
b. Livelihood
c. Livlehood
d. Levelihood
18) a. Design
b. Designe
c. Dysign
d. Desegn
19) a. Annovative
b. Innovative
c. Inavative
d. Ennovetive
20) a. Design
b. Designe
c. Dysign
d. Desegn
21 a. Feeld
b. Field
c. Fealed
d. Feild
22) a. Technology
b. Teehnology
c. Tecknowlogy
d. Tecknology
23) a. Acountency
b. Acountancy
c. Accountancy
d. Accountency
24) a. Doubt
b. Doat
c. Dobt
d. Doiat
25) a. Terms
b. Tarmes
c. Tarmas
d. Termes
2.Choose the correct meaning of underlined word:
1. The scope of any field in terms of market and demands should also be considered. The underlined word means.
a. Range of activities
b. Short coming
c. Strong feelings
d. Relation
2. There was complete silence. The underlined word means:
a. Nothing
b. Partial
c. Fully
d. Half
3. Right profession means to:
a. Select the scope
b. Develop a tradition
c. Organize the graph
d. Choose the career
4. The synonym of innovative is:
a. Out dated
b. New
c. Obsolete
d. Old
5. Keep soap out of the actual ………
a. Cut
b. Wound
c. Scrapes
d. Injury
6. The word dynamic means:
a. Active and changing
b. Scope
c. Developed
d. Resulting
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