11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 9 MCQs

Chapter 9 MCQs 11th Class Biology

Kingdom Plantae:

a. Artificial
b. Natural
c. Modern
d. Phylogenetic

d. Phylogenetic

a. Cookisonia
b. Psilophyton
c. Psilotum
d. Horneophyton

c. Psilotum

a. Club Mosses
b. Whisk fern
c. Horn wortz
d. Hose tails

a. Club Mosses

a. Overtopping
b. Webbing
c. Planation
d. Fusion

a. Overtopping

a. Horsetails
b. Whisk ferns
c. Ferns
d. Club mosses

a. Horsetails

a. 360000
b. 3600
c. 3600000
d. 36000

d. 36000

a. Vascular tissues, true leaves, and a waxy cuticle
b. Reproductive cells in protective chambers and a waxy cuticle
c. Reproductive cells in protective chambers and vascular tissue
d. A waxy cuticle, true leaves, and reproductive cells in protective chamber

b. Reproductive cells in protective chambers and a waxy cuticle

a. Gametophytic plants
b. Flowering
c. Sporophytic plants
d. Flowerless plants

d. Flowerless plants

a. Gymnosperms
b. Bryophytes
c. Angiosperms
d. Pteridophytes

b. Bryophytes

a. Triploid
b. Haploid
c. Tetraploid
d. Diploid

d. Diploid

a. Bryophytes
b. Angiosperm
c. Pteridophyte
d. Gymnosperm

a. Bryophytes

a. Green algae
b. Brown algae
c. Golden algae
d. Red algae

a. Green algae

a. Pteridophta
b. Angiosperm
c. Filicinae
d. Bryophytes

d. Bryophytes

a. Anthoceros
b. Marchentia
c. Polytrichum
d. Porella

c. Polytrichum

a. Gametophyte
b. Tracheophytes
c. Sporophyte
d. Bryophytes

d. Bryophytes

a. Heterosporous
b. Anthridia
c. Diploid embryo
d. Homosporous

d. Homosporous

a. Horn wortz
b. Horstails
c. Liver wortz
d. Club mosses

c. Liver wortz

a. Bryophytes
b. Arthrophytes
c. Treacheophytes
d. Spermatophytes

a. Bryophytes

a. Liverwortz
b. Mosses
c. Whish ferms
d. Hornwortz

a. Liverwortz

a. Phloem
b. Paraphysis
c. Xylem
d. Meristematic tissue

d. Meristematic tissue

a. Hornwort
b. Moss
c. Liverwort
d. Hair cap moss

a. Hornwort

a. Byropsida
b. Hepaticopsida
c. All bryophytes
d. Anthoceropsida

d. Anthoceropsida

a. Anthoceropsida
b. Hepaticopsida
c. Lichens
d. Bryopsida

. Hepaticopsida

a. Anthoceropsida
b. Hepaticapsida
c. Ascomycota
d. Bryopsida

. Bryopsida

a. Hyphae
b. Mycelium
c. Trichomes
d. Paraphyses

d. Paraphyses

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