11th class (FSc) Biology Unit 9 MCQs
Chapter 9 MCQs 11th Class Biology
Kingdom Plantae:
1. The system of classification which reflects the natural relationship among living organisms and their mode of origin is:
a. Artificial
b. Natural
c. Modern
d. Phylogenetic
2. Which one is an example of living general of psilopsida?
a. Cookisonia
b. Psilophyton
c. Psilotum
d. Horneophyton
3. Loycopsida are commonly called:
a. Club Mosses
b. Whisk fern
c. Horn wortz
d. Hose tails
4. Unequal development of various branches during evolution of leaf is:
a. Overtopping
b. Webbing
c. Planation
d. Fusion
5. Vascular plants belonging to subdivision sphenopsida are commonly called:
a. Horsetails
b. Whisk ferns
c. Ferns
d. Club mosses
6. The known species of plants are about:
a. 360000
b. 3600
c. 3600000
d. 36000
7. All bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, and hornworts) share certain characteristic. These are:
a. Vascular tissues, true leaves, and a waxy cuticle
b. Reproductive cells in protective chambers and a waxy cuticle
c. Reproductive cells in protective chambers and vascular tissue
d. A waxy cuticle, true leaves, and reproductive cells in protective chamber
8. The bryophytes are non-vascular plants:
a. Gametophytic plants
b. Flowering
c. Sporophytic plants
d. Flowerless plants
9. Vascular system is absent in:
a. Gymnosperms
b. Bryophytes
c. Angiosperms
d. Pteridophytes
11. ……… plants are said to be amphibian’s plants:
a. Bryophytes
b. Angiosperm
c. Pteridophyte
d. Gymnosperm
12. Bryophytes are generally thought to have evolved from:
a. Green algae
b. Brown algae
c. Golden algae
d. Red algae
13. Amphibious plants belong to group:
a. Pteridophta
b. Angiosperm
c. Filicinae
d. Bryophytes
14. Which one belongs to bryopsida?
a. Anthoceros
b. Marchentia
c. Polytrichum
d. Porella
15. The plants have no vascular system, gametophyte dominant, sporophyte attached to gametophytes are known as:
a. Gametophyte
b. Tracheophytes
c. Sporophyte
d. Bryophytes
16. The sporangia with one kind spores are called:
a. Heterosporous
b. Anthridia
c. Diploid embryo
d. Homosporous
17. Member of subdivision hepaticopsida are commonly called:
a. Horn wortz
b. Horstails
c. Liver wortz
d. Club mosses
18. Mosses are:
a. Bryophytes
b. Arthrophytes
c. Treacheophytes
d. Spermatophytes
19. The simplest of all bryophytes are:
a. Liverwortz
b. Mosses
c. Whish ferms
d. Hornwortz
20. In Anthoceros’s sporophyte at the junction of foot and spore producing region, there is a band of:
a. Phloem
b. Paraphysis
c. Xylem
d. Meristematic tissue
21. hocerus is commonly called:
a. Hornwort
b. Moss
c. Liverwort
d. Hair cap moss
22. In ……… the sporophyte has stomata and chloroplasts in the epidermis and can thus photosynthesize its own food.
a. Byropsida
b. Hepaticopsida
c. All bryophytes
d. Anthoceropsida
23. Liverwortz belong to the subdivision:
a. Anthoceropsida
b. Hepaticopsida
c. Lichens
d. Bryopsida
24. Mosses belong to the subdivision:
a. Anthoceropsida
b. Hepaticapsida
c. Ascomycota
d. Bryopsida
25. In mosses, archegonia and antheridia mixed with sterile hair are called:
a. Hyphae
b. Mycelium
c. Trichomes
d. Paraphyses