Biology Chapter 3 Entry test MCQs
Topic 3: Introduction to Biological Molecules 1. The sum of all chemical reactions taking place within a cell is called: a. Metabolismb. Thermoregulationc. Isomerismd. Osmoregulation…
Topic 3: Introduction to Biological Molecules 1. The sum of all chemical reactions taking place within a cell is called: a. Metabolismb. Thermoregulationc. Isomerismd. Osmoregulation…
Topic 2 Introduction to Bioenergetics and Photosynthesis 1. The most abundant protein in chloroplast is: a. Ribulose bisphosphateb. Rubiscoc. Ribulose bisphosphate hydrogenased. RUBP 2. The…
Topic no.1: Discovery of Viruses 1. The filterable agents were first purified in 1935, when Stanley was successful in crystallizing the……………. a. Hepatitis virusb. Polio…
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